Green Lantern Just Unlocked His God-Level Time Travel Power

Green Lantern Just Unlocked His God-Level Time Travel Power

Warning: contains spoilers for Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #4!Alan Scott, the Green Lantern, has the power to travel through time—but not even he knew it. DC’s new Alan Scott: The Green Lantern miniseries has given fresh life to one of the publisher’s oldest characters. The book has given Green Lantern new lovers and new enemies—and now, in issue four, it is giving him a brand-new ability: to travel effortlessly through time.

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #4 is written by Tim Sheridan and drawn by Cian Tormey. Green Lantern is finally facing his former lover Johnny, who was revealed to be a Soviet spy and is now the new Red Lantern. During the fight, Red Lantern imprisons Alan, and tells his former partner that, thanks to their powers, they can move through the “fourth dimension,” or travel through time.

Green Lantern Just Unlocked His God-Level Time Travel Power

Red Lantern is incredulous that Green Lantern did not know about this, and believed he was holding back.

Alan Scott’s Green Lantern Is Entering a Bold New Era

He Has New Lovers, New Enemies and New Powers

Alan Scott Green Lantern Debut DC

After spending the New 52 era on the sidelines, the original Green Lantern, Alan Scott, returned to the DC Universe in a grand fashion. As part of the publisher’s “New Golden Age” initiative, several members of the Justice Society, including Green Lantern, were given new series, books that would help redefine these icons for the new era. Sheridan and Tormey’s Alan Scott: The Green Lantern has done just this, breathing new and at times heart-breaking life into Scott’s story. The series has paid extra attention to Scott’s sexuality, exploring the life of a gay man in the 1940s and 1950s.

Now, Sheridan and Tormey have given Green Lantern a new power, one never before seen–but one that he possessed all along. The new Red Lantern draws his powers from a source similar to Green Lantern’s, but has far more mastery over it than Alan. Red Lantern could not believe Alan was unaware of this ability. Alan was not “holding back” as Red Lantern believed–he simply did not know, which leads to the possibility there are other powers available to him that he does not know of. Green Lantern is one of the most powerful heroes of his day, and this makes him even more so.

Alan Scott’s New Time Travel Power Makes Him a Powerful Green Lantern

Not Even Hal Jordan Has This Ability

Image of Alan Scott the Green Lantern

Alan Scott’s ability to travel through time is unique to him–not even Hal Jordan or John Stewart have demonstrated this power. Hal and John draw their powers from a different source than Alan. The other Green Lanterns are powered by the Guardians of the Universe, who are arguably more powerful than the Green Flame Alan uses, and yet their rings cannot travel through time. While the true extent of this new time travel ability has yet to be revealed, it is an exciting new development in the Green Lantern mythos, one that will impact the character for years to come.

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #4 is on sale now from DC Comics!

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #4 (2024)

Image of Alan Scott holding the Green Lantern while red mists circle around him.
  • Writer: Tim Sheridan
  • Artist: Cian Tormey
  • Colorist: Matt Herms
  • Letterer: Lucas Gattoni
  • Cover Artist: David Talaski