Green Lantern John Stewart: Changing DC Comic Origins Explained

Green Lantern John Stewart: Changing DC Comic Origins Explained

Like many DC Comics characters, Green Lantern John Stewart’s origin has evolved over the years with a string of reboots, rebirths and re-imaginings in an attempt to improve on an already groundbreaking and iconic character. From his humble beginnings as an architect, to his current status quo as a former U.S. Marine, each iteration of his origin has kept his character fresh and exciting for both new and old readers alike.

But what are the changes that have been made to his back-story and how did they come about? And better yet, how have these changes made John Stewart a stronger Green Lantern in the long run, one that gives all other Lanterns a shining beacon of leadership and inspiration to follow?

The First Origin of Green Lantern John Stewart

Green Lantern John Stewart: Changing DC Comic Origins Explained

Debuting in 1971’s Green Lantern #87, John Stewart was called upon by the Guardians of the Universe as a backup to then-primary Green Lantern Hal Jordan after Hal’s first backup Guy Gardner was sidelined by a serious injury sustained during a devastating earthquake. Being the first African-American superhero to appear in a DC comic book, John Stewart, created by Dennis O’Neil and Neal Adams, immediately became a fan favorite, and as his ring-slinging and overall superhero-ing skills improved, proved himself to be a unique and worthy addition to the Green Lantern Corp.

Hailing from Detroit, Michigan, Stewart’s original background was rooted in the extremely precise and technical world of architecture, a career choice that had ramifications in the way he would create his own willpower-fueled ring constructs, with his attention to detail and meticulous planning becoming one of the many defining aspects of his character. After landing a contract to rebuild Ferris Air headquarters thanks to Hal Jordan’s input, John, with the help of Hal’s guidance, was able to balance his professional career and his obligation as a backup Green Lantern until the day he was promoted to full-time Lantern when Hal gave up his powers.

John Stewart’s Origin Was Changed in DC Comics

john stewart green lantern new 52

After years of being both a successful architect and even more successful Lantern (along with a handful of military related aspects of the character that were worked in over time), John’s origins were given a full overhaul in the wake of 2011’s Flashpoint, with The New 52 shifting gears to focus more solely on John’s rough childhood and personal struggles that eventually led him to join the Marines. But even with his restructured origin centered on his military background, John’s lifelong habit of questioning authority for all the right reasons eventually landed him in hot water with his superiors, leading him to be honorably discharged from the Marines, an event that led him directly into the path of the Guardians of Oa yet again.

In this new continuity, and eerily similar to his first origin story when he was an architect rebuilding Ferris Air before hero work took over his every waking moment, John was recruited after fending off an attack on Ferris by a Guardian-sent Manhunter to test his worth. Expectedly, and now with the added benefit of being an ex-Marine with the smarts and mettle to stand up to obstacles like this, John was granted a power ring, and with it, the next phase of his character’s journey began.

Why John Stewart’s Change Made Him a Stronger Green Lantern

Hal Jordan and John Stewart as Green Lanterns

With two distinct origins, along with some overlap in between defining John Stewart’s character as being one of the most reliable, loyal and respected heroes in all of comics, it’s the changes to Stewart’s original background that have made him an even stronger Green Lantern than ever before. Learning to become a crack shot marksman from his military training, as well as having the general mindset of a war hero, John easily and consistently slips into a leadership role, not only during the times when the Green Lantern Corp need his help in beating back the latest off-world attack, but also when the Justice League hits a roadblock that Batman or Superman can’t handle – an important role that immediately allows John to rise above his fellow Lanterns as a stronger version of what they could never be.

And while Hal Jordan might be the most spontaneous and outspoken Lantern in the Corp, and Guy Gardner the most overly confident and rough-around-the-edges one, it’s John Stewart that takes the cake as the most well rounded and authentic Lantern that never loses sight of what it takes to bring his fellow Lanterns home safely. These aspects of his character have evolved from the changes made to his origin over the years, and easily makes John out to be the one guy who always keeps his cool no matter the situation, and the one soldier who never backs away from a fight no matter the odds.

Green Lantern John Stewart Yellow Rings

Regardless of which origin is deemed canon by DC or super fans, Green Lantern John Stewart has had his fair share of ups and downs over the decades in a universe that needs his smarts and guidance more often than not. Whether it be applying his architectural knowledge to solve a particularly hairy situation or using his born qualities as a leader to command not just the Green Lantern Corp but the Justice League at large, John Stewart has solidified his place time and time again in the running for greatest Green Lantern and arguably as one of the greatest superheroes of all time.