Green Lantern Is Secretly Undermining A Justice League Ally

Green Lantern Is Secretly Undermining A Justice League Ally

Warning: contains spoilers for Blue & Gold #1!

Guy Gardner has never been much of a team player, but the fan-favorite Green Lantern has stooped to a new low by online-trolling his old Justice League teammate, Booster Gold. Guy Gardner has always been a brash hothead, and though he’s an undeniable hero, he’s long been known to give his fellow Leaguers a hard time. And with his self-serving demeanor, Booster does present an easy target, even when he’s sincerely risking his life to save the world.

While he doesn’t make a full appearance in issue #1 of Blue & Gold by Dan Jurgens, Ryan Sook and Rob Leigh, fans get an idea of what Gardner is up to in the series’ debut issue. When the Justice League is captured by a mysterious alien race, it’s up to Booster and the Blue Beetle to save the day. But while he could be helping his old teammates rescue the world’s greatest heroes, Guy Gardner chooses to do quite the opposite by cyberbullying his old ally, Booster.

With the League out of commission, it’s up to Booster Gold to save Manhattan from a dangerous alien threat, and in classic Booster fashion, it’s as good a time as any to earn some free publicity by streaming his exploits online. But while there are more than a few of Booster Gold’s fans supporting the hero, one audience member with the instantly recognizable initials “GG” isn’t as positive. As Booster airs live, GG all but confirms his identity by saying things like, “I know him. Couldn’t beat KITE MAN” and referring to Guy Gardner as “The BOSS.” As if that isn’t enough, GG even watches Booster take a nasty hit from an alien drone before commenting, “Reminds me of when DOOMSDAY crushed him.” Booster and his old friend Beetle eventually manage to save the League, much to the surprise of the commenters and Guy Gardner especially, but this whole interaction says a lot about Guy’s personality.

Green Lantern Is Secretly Undermining A Justice League Ally

Guy’s a hero and a former teammate of Booster Gold, but instead of cheering Gold on, or even flying to New York to help rescue the League, he sits back and watches the whole thing. It’s more than possible that Guy was unable to help due to being off-world, but he still took the time to tune in to Booster’s stream of the invasion just so he could mock his supposed ally and promote his own exploits instead of doing anything remotely helpful.

Guy Gardner has matured a lot since his Justice League International days, but only so much, while much of Booster’s own progress has been kept secret to avoid harming the timestream. For all that Green Lantern knows, Booster is still the same selfish glory hound he fought alongside years ago, so it’s not entirely surprising for him to give Booster a hard time. While other superheroes may not typically resort to online trolling to air their grievances with a teammate, Gardner has never been the most conventional cosmic crime-fighter.

Guy Gardner may be a world-class hero and a good friend deep down, but in the end, he’s also always been a jerk. And while it’s true that Guy’s grown since his time with the Justice League, old habits die hard, which means that when it comes to busting the chops of Booster Gold, it seems that even the willpower of a Green Lantern is too weak to resist.