Green Lantern Discovers His Shocking Power Connection to a Justice League Icon

Green Lantern Discovers His Shocking Power Connection to a Justice League Icon

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Green Lantern #9!The Green Lantern mythos gets a stunning new twist when Hal Jordan discovers his surprising link to an underrated Justice League hero. Since his departure from the Corps, Jordan has looking for answers about his mysterious new Power Ring. A new development changes everything Green Lantern knows about the powerful light he wields.

In Green Lantern #9 by Jeremy Adams and Xermánico, Hal has ventured to Galicia, the spot where his Power Ring surged during his recent fight with Sinestro. Green Lantern travels down a tunnel and discovers a huge cavern hiding an incredibly lush garden guarded by his old friend, Tom Kalmaku.

Green Lantern Discovers His Shocking Power Connection to a Justice League Icon

Tom has been acting as a backup for the plant-based life force, the Green, which has been secretly concealing an important relic. Now that Green Lantern has arrived, Tom glows an emerald hue, causing the branches in the cavern to disperse, revealing an Oan Power Battery hidden by the Green.

Green Lantern’s Powers are Secretly Connected to the Green

The Green Reveals an Oan Power Battery DC

Despite loving the Green Lantern Corps more than life itself, Hal Jordan resigned from his post after his friend Kilowog was killed when the Sinestro Corps Central Power Battery exploded. While Hal was no longer a Lantern, he found himself in possession of a new Power Ring after discovering residual energy in an old Manhunter armor. The ring lacked many of the normal functions of Jordan’s previous rings, but it allowed Green Lantern to get back into the hero game. It also had functions his previous Power Ring didn’t, such as being able to create more realistic constructs.

This connection between the Green and the Emerald Light is surprising, but not entirely without precedence. In The Swamp Thing #14, Green Lantern teamed up with the newest Swamp Thing Levi Kamei to stop the Green from using alien spores to eradicate humanity. Levi appeared to die in the battle, but Green Lantern’s light kicked Swamp Thing’s regeneration into high gear and made him more powerful than before. While it’s hard to say how the Green Light of Willpower and the Green connect, there appears to be a sort of symbiotic relationship between Swamp Thing and Green Lantern’s power sources.

Swamp Thing and Green Lantern Are DC’s Secret Best Allies

Swamp Thing with Green Lantern Power DC

Plant life is a crucial part of any developed system and without willpower, there would be nothing but chaos in the Emotional Spectrum. As two of the most stable forces of their respective panoply, the Green and the Emerald Light appear to have developed some form of bond for the benefit of both forces. It remains to be seen how this will impact Hal Jordan or Swamp Thing going forward. But given the strong bond their powers seem to have, Green Lantern should be teaming up with his Justice League ally a lot more.

Green Lantern #9 is available now from DC Comics.

Green Lantern #9 (2024)

Green Lantern Cover 9

  • Writer: Jeremy Adams and Sam Humphries
  • Artist: Xermánico and Yasmin Flores Montañez
  • Colorist: Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Alex Guimarães
  • Letterer: Dave Sharpe
  • Cover Artist: Steve Beach