Green Lantern: 10 Most Hilarious Memes Of All Time

Green Lantern: 10 Most Hilarious Memes Of All Time

Whether it’s Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, Simon Baz, or Jessica Cruz, Green Lantern has been beloved for years and years. Outside the comics, Green Lantern has been featured in multiple media projects both in animation and live-action. While the 2011 film with Ryan Reynolds didn’t bring in the green Warner Bros. was hoping, Green Lantern Corps is their next attempt as it’s been in developed for years.

For TV, a live-action Green Lantern series is in the works for HBO Max from Arrowverse creator Greg Berlanti. With all the presence that the mythology has had over the years, it has expanded the fandom— which inevitably means memes and lots of ’em.

Up The Snickers

Green Lantern: 10 Most Hilarious Memes Of All Time

Reynolds is no stranger to appearing in comic book movies besides Green Lantern. While he was the first actor to portray a live-action Hal Jordan, Reynolds has become more known for his portrayal of Wade Wilson in the Deadpool franchise.

But his journey to landing the ultimate comic book role feels like a Snickers metaphor. One Snickers was just not enough after Blade: Trinity, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and Green Lantern. While it was a long journey, the wait was definitely worth it, both for Reynolds and for the fans.

The Galaxy’s Original Guardian

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While they were obscure before their introduction to the MCU, the Guardians of the Galaxy quickly became a major franchise for Marvel Studios. A third installment is on its way from James Gunn, who is also tackling the DCEU with The Suicide Squad.

However, if the Green Lantern Corps had to react to the Guardians, they would probably react like this meme. The Corps has existed since 1940 which technically makes them the original protectors of the galaxy.

The Harsh Green Truth

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Depending on the story and who is writing it, Green Lantern is usually involved in adventures that take place in space. Given that there are so many characters carrying the name, everyone is up to their own storylines. However, a major criticism for the 2011 movie was that it was set mostly on Earth. That has, in various books, been the case too as Hal has sometimes focused a bit too much on Coast City, one of the primary DC Universe locations.

The Deadpool/Green Lantern Crossover

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The Deadpool films aren’t shy about blasting Reynolds’ Green Lantern film as Wade keeps dragging the box office disaster. One of the aspects he keeps going back to is how Hal’s suit ended up being computer-generated rather than a traditional produced costume.

If there was ever a way where Deadpool and Green Lantern did a crossover, it would be funny to see how Hal would react to Wade’s negative comments. It’d be hilarious if he had secretly felt the same way as him.

Why DCEU’s Green Lantern Is MIA

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While most of the iconic Justice League members have made it into the DCEU, the Green Lanterns are still missing. Despite Green Lantern Corps still supposedly happening, the cinematic universe has only seen an Emerald Knight in 2017’s Justice League. Hopefully, Zack Snyder’s 2021 cut will tease more of the main Green Lanterns. However, what if the reason Hal hasn’t been seen yet is that he is the team’s PR manager as this meme suggests it.

Rhyme With Lantern

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Poetry, rapping, and rhyming is easy for some, while for others it might be a complete nightmare. However, certain words are almost impossible to rhyme with, in some cases completely undoable. This meme really makes a valid point about what a challenge the word Lantern is to rhyme.

Look for a word that rhymes with Lantern, Hal will patiently wait. To be fair, some words were simply not meant to be rhyme-able.

Quicksilver Got Off Easy

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It’s easy to lose track of the number of times that Reynolds’ Deadpool has mocked Green Lantern. It’s understandable that the actor is being open about his experience with that production, given how it turned out.

As problematic as the movie was, if Wade is ever seen again on the big screen, expect more witty criticism. Given how much the franchise keeps going after the DC picture, it makes the fate Quicksilver faced in Avengers: Age of Ultron seem a lot less grim.

Why Green Lantern Actually Flopped

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For his first big bad, Hal ended up going up against Parallex, the main antagonist of the Green Lantern film. While his portrayal was met with mixed reactions, what if Parallax wasn’t the true villain of the story? There are many factors in why the film flopped, but perhaps Hal may have to do something with it. Because of the movie’s failure, it ended up paving the way for Reynolds to be available to play Deadpool years later.

Superman’s Most Hated Color

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While the color green has a positive meaning for the Emerald Knight, it certainly isn’t the case for another DC Comics hero. Superman is all about red and blue, but when it comes to green, it’s the last color he wants to see. It’s understandable if he gets anxiety from seeing anything with a similar color as his primary weakness, Kryptonite. If Hal ever wanted to prank the Man of Steel real badly, he could just project a piece of Kryptonite.

The Overlooked Truth

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Given his mythology’s long existence, the Green Lantern has so much to offer, whether it’s on the page or the screen. However, there is one major aspect that many may not think of when they see the iconic Lantern symbol.

Imagine if Matrix’s Morpheus were to drop the bombshell on your lap and point out that when turned around, the logo actually looks like “lol.” It’d be quite hilarious if all the Lanterns turned the symbol around on their costume to make themselves the “lol Corps.”