Grant Gustin Reveals He & James Gunn Have Talked About The DCU (But Not How You Think)

Grant Gustin Reveals He & James Gunn Have Talked About The DCU (But Not How You Think)

Grant Gustin has revealed he and James Gunn have talked about the new DC Universe, but the actor’s The Flash comments are not what fans were expecting.

Speaking to The Wrap, Grant Gustin revealed he and James Gunn have never talked about the Flash. Instead, Gustin says he and the DCU creative chief have had conversations about the director’s upcoming Superman movie reboot. Check out the full quote below:

“It’s so funny, that first video that came out of me, I didn’t even know I was being filmed. I was at one of those conventions, and someone asked me if I’d ever do it, and I’ve always told people it’s not up to me. And I think the person asked me like, ‘If James Gunn wanted you to,’ and it’s like, yeah, if James Gunn wanted me to! I trust James Gunn. I love all the movies he’s put out, I’m a fan. And then yeah, I guess he caught wind of that and said something nice.

Not even when all that went down! I think it was beforehand about something completely un — like, we’ve never talked about Flash. We’ve talked, just like, I’m a huge Superman fan. I’ve always been a Superman fan, since I was a kid. So I’m just really excited about the movie. And I’m excited about David’s casting.

I’m excited to see what James Gunn does with it. So I think at one point — maybe a couple different times, we’ve DM’d about ‘Superman.’ We’ve literally never talked Flash. I’m just excited that he’s doing Superman.”

Source: The Wrap

Key Release Dates

  • Grant Gustin Reveals He & James Gunn Have Talked About The DCU (But Not How You Think)

    The Batman Part II
    Release Date:
