Grand Theft Auto 6 Is “Not Coming Soon,” Says Insider

A former Rockstar insider has dashed fans’ hopes by claiming that Grand Theft Auto 6 is not coming soon. The long-awaited open world action game is the natural continuation of one of the most famous video game franchises of all time. Its predecessor, Grand Theft Auto 5, launched in 2013 to universal acclaim, and to this day it holds the record for second best-selling video game of all time. Eight long years after that powerhouse, fans are still waiting for any news at all about its sequel, which still has yet to be announced.

In the meantime, GTA fans have had to contend with Cayo Perico. The new heist is a major expansion to GTA Online, a multiplayer spinoff of GTA 5. It is the single largest heist introduced in the game since it launched, and the first one that players can tackle entirely in single player, should they so choose. While this is a major development for the game, it’s been held back by a few disappointing revelations, most notably the discovery that fans can’t actually freely explore the expansive island of Cayo Perico outside of specific heist missions. This disappointment aside, the expansion is still a major one; so much so that some have wondered if work on it has been what’s holding up GTA 6.

It sure looks like something’s been holding up GTA 6, at any rate. Trusted former Rockstar insider Yan2295 took to Twitter (via Game Rant) to share some insights into the development of the project. On the positive side, Yan2295 confirmed that the game is, in fact, under development. Unfortunately, he went on to say that the game is not coming soon, and, furthermore, that he has no idea when it will be announced or revealed. He also acknowledged how many people have been asking him about GTA 6 by assuring fans that they can now stop asking him and by pinning the tweet at the top of his feed; one can only imagine the volume of GTA 6 related queries he must have received.

This is not good news for fans of GTA, who’ve already been waiting years for even the slightest glimmer of news. These poor deprived fans have been wading through endless rereleases of GTA 5, not unlike what fans of The Elder Scrolls have had to put up with waiting for news on Elder Scrolls 6. But at least those poor gamers got a thirty second teaser trailer. If what Yan2295 says is true, there’s no telling how long it’ll be before GTA fans get even that much.

Hopefully things will look better for GTA fans before too long. Rockstar’s been dragging them through excess ports and underwhelming online expansions for too long. If Yan2295 is being honest, then at least the company is actively working on the long-awaited GTA 6. Maybe that will be enough to get the fans through the long months ahead.