Gotham’s New Team Are the Perfect Heroic Rivals to the Bat-Family

Gotham’s New Team Are the Perfect Heroic Rivals to the Bat-Family

Warning! Contains Spoilers For Detective Comics #1076!

Catwoman‘s new Gotham team may end up rivaling the Bat-Family in sheer effectiveness. Batman has been captured by the Orghams, who intend to execute him, and Selina needs to assemble a ragtag group of unlikely allies to break Bruce out of prison. While this team might seem like odd pickings, it’s possible Selina’s new family could even rival the Bat-Family.

As of Detective Comics #1076 by Ram V., Jason Shawn Alexander, Dave Stewart, and Ariana Maher, Gotham has begun to fall completely under the control of the Orgham family. One of the Orgham’s top soldiers has been on TV every day, hypnotizing the populace into forgetting Batman and his legacy. Batman himself has been captured, possessed by one of the Orgham’s demonic Azmer, and sentenced to a public hanging. Naturally, to save him from this fate, Catwoman has begun assembling a team to break into where the Orghams are holding Batman — and free him.

Gotham’s New Team Are the Perfect Heroic Rivals to the Bat-Family

The ragtag team Selina has assembled (so far) consists of James Gordon, Renee Montoya, and possibly Azrael. She even manages to recruit the reluctant help of Poison Ivy.

Catwoman Recruits a Special Team for a Batman Heist

James Gordon Recruits Montoya for Catwoman's Team

The Bat-Family is one of the largest crime-fighting units in the DC Universe, with usually a roster of five or six active members at any time. Despite having such a large roster of skilled crime fighters, Batman was unable to stop the Orghams from taking over the city. They’ve managed to capture Batman, take control over most of his rogues, and separate and defeat the Bat-Family. While Catwoman and Batman’s relationship may be in a rocky place right now, that doesn’t mean Selina won’t be there for Batman when he needs her. With no one else to come to Batman’s rescue, it’s up to Catwoman and her newly put together team to save the day.

With no one else to save him, Selina has reached out to old and new allies in the hope of saving Bruce. Characters like James Gordon outright state that, regardless of what the law might say, Gordon will not allow Batman to be executed. Renee Montoya has conflicted feelings, struggling with being both a vigilante and the current police commissioner. While Selina hasn’t approached Azrael yet, it’s likely that she will, and even more likely that he’ll sign up. Azrael respects Batman a great deal, and there’s no doubt he’ll want to help save him. The team will likely grow even more given the quiet hint of Detective Comics‘ forthcoming “wanted” variant covers featuring characters like those Gordon, Montoya, Batgirl, Solomon Grundy, and more.

Even Poison Ivy Is Willing to Help Catwoman

Catwoman Asks Poison Ivy for Help

With Batman and his Bat-Family defeated, and despite his relationship with Catwoman being more strained than ever, Catwoman is still coming to save him by calling on his old allies. Batman has been fighting crime in Gotham for decades, and he’s saved many people, which tends to buy him a lot of goodwill. Even with the entire city slowly forgetting and turning against him, a few people are still willing to answer Catwoman’s call to save Batman as a new kind of Bat-Family.