Gotham’s New Resistance is an All-Star Batman Team

Gotham’s New Resistance is an All-Star Batman Team

Warning: this article contains spoilers for Future State: Nightwing #2

Operating under the yoke of Future State’s the Magistrate and its cutting-edge surveillance technologies has challenged the Bat-family in ways it has never experienced before. Their ability to communicate and organize is impeded by city-wide network of micro-drones providing the new authoritarian government with near limitless surveillance data. In fact, this tech—originally developed by Wayne Industries—is what Bruce Wayne himself reckons made it possible for the powers that be to discover his identity as Batman, and the nearly successful attempt on his life. 

With their leader believed dead, Wayne Enterprises consumed by the Magistrate, and their base of operations at Wayne Manor compromised, the cape and cowl clad heroes of DC Comics are having to fend for themselves and scrounge for whatever resources they can. All of these factors have played a part in obstructing what remains of the Bat-family from forming an effective enough resistance to bring down the new regime. That is, until now. Though the heroes of Gotham are scattered and divided, they are not without a capable leader. Thankfully, Dick Grayson’s Nightwing has a plan.

Nightwing #2, from writer Andrew Constant and artist Nicola Scott, picks up again with the siege of Arkham Asylum, where Nightwing has made his home. Led by the zealous and cybernetically-enhanced Peacekeeper 06, what remains of the facility is surrounded by the Magistrate’s army of well-equipped mercenaries, drones, artillery, and Cybers all chomping at the bit for the opportunity of executing the former Boy Wonder on sight. Thankfully, Nightwing isn’t alone. He’s joined by the new Batman, and soon to be reinforced by the cavalry. Up till this point in time, too big a move against the Magistrate could backfire, leaving the heroes vulnerable to being wiped out entirely by the Peacekeepers’ superior numbers and firepower. However, the stars have aligned for the Resistance to consolidate their forces and finally emerge from the shadows. 

Gotham’s New Resistance is an All-Star Batman Team

What’s more, Gotham’s Resistance isn’t a ragtag group of new recruits desperate to take their city back, but a squad comprised of seasoned enemies and allies who are tired of running and holding back. Batgirl, Robin, a newly freed Oracle, and Batwoman are on the scene ready to protect their own. Longtime ally Huntress has emerged from hiding to lend a hand and dust off her crossbows. Rounding out the party is a surprising trio of rogues including: Talia Al Ghul, the Knights of Arkham’s Two-Face, and the indomitable Man-Bat. Who knows where the former has been hiding all this time, but he’s a welcome sight to those fighting for the freedom of Gotham. It’s obvious by their panicked reaction that the Magistrate is caught off guard by so many Masks working as one. Though the Resistance’s time in the spotlight is brief, the blow they strike is palpable and not in vain. 

However short-lived this star-studded alliance may be, it’s exactly the show of strength readers have needed to see since the start of the storyline. Not to mention, it’s a potent reminder of just how powerful Batman’s legacy has become. With the DC ComicsFuture State event now over, Nightwing’s chapter is complete, and luckily for fans, it ended on a high note.