Gotham’s New Bat-Family Are the Dark Opposite of Bruce’s Superhero Army

Gotham’s New Bat-Family Are the Dark Opposite of Bruce’s Superhero Army

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Batman and Robin #7!A dangerous new Bat-Family is in Gotham and they stand for everything the old one doesn’t. A surprising member of Batman’s rogues’ gallery is back with a vengeance and he’s become the figurehead of a movement that is going to tear down the Dark Knight’s city by any means necessary.

In a preview for Batman and Robin #7 by Joshua Williamson and Simone Di Meo, the new and improved Man-Bat gives a speech about bats and how they were weaponized and turned into symbols of fear by Batman and his allies. The Bat also calls out the Bat-Family and how they helped Batman gain control of Gotham.

The Bat rallies the cult that’s assembled in Gotham, all of whom wear the bat symbol. Man-Bat calls them a family and tells them they will take Gotham back from Batman. Inspired by their leader’s words, the cult heads out into Gotham.

Man-Bat’s New Bat-Family is Out to Reclaim the Bat Symbol

Gotham’s New Bat-Family Are the Dark Opposite of Bruce’s Superhero Army

As Batman and Robin reunited, strange events involving animal-human hybrids began to occur in Gotham. The crimes were masterminded by Man-Bat, who’d gotten a serious upgrade in terms of looks and personality. At some point, Kirk Langstrom developed a new persona known as the Bat, who possessed all of Langstrom’s intelligence with the ferocity of Man-Bat. The Bat was also working with the new super-villain Shush, who appears to have a connection to Damian Wayne’s past. While Langstrom went into hiding after his and Shush’s operation was exposed, a cult began to rise in secret, inspired by Man-Bat’s words.

The new Man-Bat has made it clear he believes he’s meant to be Gotham’s true hero. He’s already tried turning Batman’s symbol against him by poisoning Bruce so that bats would turn against him. Now he’s taking things up a notch by leading a new ‘family’. Batman, of course, was the first to have a family that helped him keep order in Gotham. The Bat is clearly aware that in order to replace Batman, he’ll need assistance. What makes things worse though is that Man-Bat’s already raised a sizable army ready to instill its own form of order in Gotham.

The New Bat-Family is Ready to Change Gotham for Good

Man-Bat's Cult Praises Him DC

The Bat-Family is used to taking on armies intent on taking over Gotham. However, with this twisted new Man-Bat leading a cult of devoted followers, there’s no telling what he may do to reclaim Gotham. He could potentially splice their genes with animals like him, creating hybrid soldiers that could cause serious damage to the city. There’s also the danger Shush brings to the villainous new ‘Bat-Family’ as she’s a skilled fighter who can keep up with Batman and Robin in combat. If the Bat-Family isn’t careful, this new one could cause them some serious problems.

Batman and Robin #7 is available on March 12th from DC Comics.

Batman and Robin #7 (2024)

Batman and Robin 7 Cover

  • Writer: Joshua Williamson
  • Artist: Simone Di Meo
  • Colorist: Giovanna Niro
  • Letterer: Steve Wands
  • Cover Artist: Simone Di Meo