Gossip Girl: 10 Best Nate Quotes

Gossip Girl: 10 Best Nate Quotes

Amidst the romance, fashion, arguing and drama on Gossip Girl, there were also some memorable quotes. Yes, over the years, the main characters in particular had wise, witty and wonderful lines that helped make this TV show even greater.

One of these characters was Nate Archibald, who was played by Chace Crawford: He was athletic, he was cute, he liked to have a good time, he dropped everything to be there for his loved ones, and he shared words within this story that were about seduction, movies, love, fighting, style and more. In fact, his 10 best are listed out down below! 

“You gonna strangle him with your scarf?”

Gossip Girl: 10 Best Nate Quotes

First up is a humorous moment featuring two friends, Nate and Chuck. Chuck threatened to hunt someone down and kill them, and this was Nate’s response: “Why, ‘cause you kill people now? You gonna strangle him with your scarf?”

Chuck told him not to mock the scarf, though—It was his signature. 

“You can’t fight against who you are.”

gossip girl nate and lola

On a more serious note, Nate shared these words: “You can’t fight against who you are.”

Throughout this show, each of the main characters tried to change themselves and were ashamed of things they had done. Despite everything, they stayed strong and stayed together, becoming better people individually and as a group!

“You don’t just give up because things are hard.”

Gossip Girl Nate Vanessa

On a similar note, Nate said, “You don’t just give up because things are hard.” From losing parents and fighting with best friends to having secrets blasted out to the world and enduring breakups, these characters certainly faced some bumps in the road.

And while Nate was usually known as the sporty one or the good-looking one, he could be so smart and sweet, as seen with this motivational line.

“You know it’s love when you start talking like an assassin.”

Nate Archibald and Chuck Bass in Gossip Girl

Another time, Nate was quoted saying this: “You know it’s love when you start talking like an assassin.”

It is easy to imagine him saying that, when thinking about his peers! There were schemes, there was backstabbing, and there were fights, but there was also love, deep down and no matter what!

“Are you trying to seduce me, Nate?” “Why? Is it working?”

Nate and Dan talk at a party in Gossip Girl

Dan and Nate were also friends and also had a funny conversation; Dan asked if Nate was trying to seduce him, and Nate had the most on-brand response:  “Why? Is it working?”

Even though this character did have serious and sensitive moments, he could often be found wooing the opposite sex… or his own friends even, as he definitely was nice to look at and a pro at flirting. 

“You’re smarter than you look, Archibald.” “I get that a lot.”

Nate and Raina stand side by side in Gossip Girl

A supporting character on this show was Raina Thorpe, and like many other characters, didn’t see much in Nate. However, after getting to know him more, she was led to say, “You’re smarter than you look, Archibald.”

To this, he told her he got that a lot, and he was proof that there could be more than just a pretty face!

“I just want to be the person you can bring anything to.”

Serena embraces Nate from behind and he kisses her forehead

At the end of the series, it was revealed that Nate was the only person who had never sent a secret into Gossip Girl. While he was not perfect, he was one of the most genuine and caring characters within the story. 

That can be summed up with this next line: “I just want to be the person you can bring anything to.”

“Do not knock The Sound of Music. It’s got nuns and Nazis. And Julie Andrews is hot.”

gossip girl nate

True fans will remember one of Nate’s favorite films: The Sound of Music. And why did he like it? Well, it had nuns, it had Nazis, and he thought the star, Julie Andrews, was hot, of course! So during all the craziness of Gossip Girl, it was nice to know there were simple pleasures and simple joys, when it came to this cute character. 

“Affairs with married people, threesomes: It just so happens everyone’s problems are within my area of expertise.”

Nate Achibald in Gossip Girl

One quote that really stood out was this one: “Affairs with married people, threesomes: It just so happens everyone’s problems are within my area of expertise.”

First, it showed that, once again, Nate was there to help his pals through whatever. Secondly, it proved that this guy enjoyed having fun… even if his extracurricular activities and hobbies were a bit scandalous. 

“Look, I know things. I’ve been to Europe. Chuck Bass is my best friend.”

nate chuck gossip girl

And lastly, there was the time that Nate proved how knowledge and cultured he was. However, he didn’t think it came from his education or his upbringing. Instead, he owed it to the fact that he had been to Europe and that he was BFFs with the one and only Chuck Bass. Makes sense!