Golden Bachelor Winner Almost Ditched Proposal After Gerry Turner’s Harsh Mistake (SPOILERS)

Golden Bachelor Winner Almost Ditched Proposal After Gerry Turner’s Harsh Mistake (SPOILERS)

WARNING! This article contains spoilers for The Golden Bachelor season 1 finale!

The Golden Bachelor’s Gerry Turner finally made his decision in the drama-filled finale, but his new fiancée almost left before he had the chance to propose. After what felt like the most dramatic finale in Bachelor Nation history, Gerry proposed to an incredibly nervous Theresa Nist. The 70-year-old Financial Services Advisor from New Jersey accepted Gerry’s proposal, shocked and excited about the fact that she wasn’t going home heartbroken. While Theresa and Gerry celebrated their engagement, many were reeling from the mistake Gerry made during the speech leading up to his proposal. While Gerry was still dealing with nerves of his own, his error almost left him on his own.

In an exclusive with People, Gerry and Theresa explained their engagement as remember it. According to Gerry, “I go through a small speech and I look at her and say…‘Theresa, you’re not the person that I can live with,’ and have a long pause…And what I actually said was, ‘Theresa, you’re not the [right] person for me,’ which is much more harsh.” Instead of telling Theresa something positive, he accidentally nearly broke things off. “I quickly said the right line, ‘Theresa, you are the person I can’t live without,’ and the air went back into her body,” Gerry explained.

Golden Bachelor Winner Almost Ditched Proposal After Gerry Turner’s Harsh Mistake (SPOILERS)


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Theresa Thought Gerry Lied To Her On Fantasy Suite Night

The Golden Bachelor's Gerry Turner proposes to Theresa Nist

While Theresa would’ve been shocked by the idea that Gerry would be telling her she wasn’t the right person for him anyway, it was doubly surprising after their conversations in the Fantasy Suite. During their night in the Fantasy Suite, Gerry had told Theresa he loved her and was planning to propose. Theresa had gone into the final day confident, believing Gerry, but when he slipped up, she wasn’t so certain. “I said, ‘Oh, my God. So what he said was not true. He changed his mind, he changed his mind. Somebody get me, somebody take me away.’,” Theresa explained. “And then he said the right thing, thank God.”

Theresa and Gerry’s relationship has been sweet to watch unfold on The Golden Bachelor season 1. While the couple may not have been together for long, they plan to make an even bigger mark on the Bachelor franchise when they get married in early January 2024 on live TV. The couple doesn’t want to waste any time now that they’re publicly together and allowed to speak up about their relationship. Despite some The Golden Bachelor fans feeling Leslie Fhima would’ve been a better fit for Gerry, he’s certain that Theresa is the right person for himself and his family to continue to grow with.

As Gerry and Theresa’s love story has unfolded, some have doubted the authenticity of The Golden Bachelor and Gerry himself. Despite the negativity, Gerry and Theresa seem happier than ever and look forward to simply living together. Their beautiful love story has inspired many who have been watching The Golden Bachelor, and as they continue to live their lives, viewers are hopeful they’ll share more with the fans they’ve gained along the way.

Source: People