Godzilla Just Got His Own Kryptonite In MonsterVerse Canon

Godzilla Just Got His Own Kryptonite In MonsterVerse Canon

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #5!By coming to the DC Universe, Godzilla just discovered his ultimate kryptonite. The King of the Monsters might not have had a say in coming to the DCU, but after going up against some of the most powerful heroes around, the legendary kaju has encountered his most effective Achilles’ heel.

In Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #5 by Brian Buccellato, Christian Duce, and Tom Derenick, Godzilla is in the middle of a battle between his fellow Titan Tiamat and an unexpected Kraken released by Aquaman. As the three kaiju fight, the League tries to prevent Atlantis from being destroyed.

Godzilla Just Got His Own Kryptonite In MonsterVerse Canon

Aquaman and Wonder Woman head off to try and trap Godzilla while Mera keeps an eye on Atlantis. As the Titan fights the Kraken, Aquaman secures a manacle made of Nth metal around Godzilla’s leg. Godzilla is powerless to chase after the two heroes and is trapped on the seafloor.

Godzilla Can’t Overcome Nth Metal’s Strength

Justice League Fights Godzilla DC

What began as the Legion of Doom’s attempt to burglarize the Fortress of Solitude ended up with the Toyman accidentally transporting the villains to the MonsterVerse. However, Toyman saw the destructive potential of the Titans and brought them back to the DC Universe. Since then, the most iconic locations in the DC Universe have been terrorized by monsters like Scylla, Camazotz, Behemoth, and of course Godzilla. The King of the Monsters made a beeline for Superman and their battle ended with Superman in critical condition. It seemed like nothing was able to stop Godzilla’s monstrous rampage across the DCU.

Godzilla has been grievously hurt before by the infamous weapon, the Oxygen Destroyer. However, the heroes would never use such a weapon when they have plenty of non-lethal ways of handling Godzilla. Nth Metal is a powerful metal that can adapt to almost any situation. The Hawks might prefer it in their maces, but Nth Metal works just as well as a shackle on something as powerful as Godzilla. It keeps him restrained and away from the DC Universe’s most populated areas. For the first time since the beast arrived in the DC Universe, the Justice League has beaten Godzilla.

Can Godzilla Break Out of His Nth Metal Chains?

Godzilla at Hall of Justice DC

Fans of Godzilla might not want to count the King out, but Nth Metal has magic properties that even something as powerful as Godzilla can’t shatter. While Godzilla might have beaten Superman, there had to be something in the DC Universe capable of holding him back. Nth Metal is the most logical choice given its unique properties and history of handling powerful threats. It’s doubtful that Godzilla will be able to break out of his shackles, but he’s done the impossible before. However, for now, it looks like Godzilla has finally encountered the one thing he can’t conquer in the DCU.

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #5 is available now from DC Comics.

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #5 (2024)

  • Writer: Brian Buccellato
  • Artists: Christian Dulce and Tom Derenick
  • Colorist: Luis Guerrero
  • Letterer: Jimmy Betancourt
  • Cover Artist: Drew Johnson