Gilmore Girls: Sookie’s 10 Most Questionable Life Choices

Gilmore Girls: Sookie’s 10 Most Questionable Life Choices

Sookie St. James fits in well with the quirky Stars Hollow residents on Gilmore Girls, and she also stands out enough to make a unique impression. When fans first meet Sookie, she’s a single chef who loves her best friend Lorelai and cherishes seeing Rory grow up and come into her own. Sookie sees many changes in her own world as she marries Jackson and becomes a parent, never losing sight of her big dreams.

While viewers can’t get enough of Sookie’s hilarious comments and goofy approach to life, they do wonder about some of the choices that she makes. There are many moments on Gilmore Girls when Sookie’s biggest life decisions leave fans confused.

Sookie Says She Could Sell Her Car To Pay For Chilton

Gilmore Girls: Sookie’s 10 Most Questionable Life Choices

Fans believe Rory is her best self at Chilton and in the pilot episode of Gilmore Girls, Lorelai shows Sookie the acceptance letter that marks a massive change for the Gilmore girls. When Lorelai starts stressing out about paying the hefty tuition bills, Sookie says she could sell her own car.

The fact that Sookie wants to give her best friend this money is sweet, but it’s still not the smartest decision. Sookie doesn’t seem to have a lot of money herself, and she shouldn’t feel responsible for her friend’s daughter’s educational costs. Lending money to a friend doesn’t always go well, as it sometimes leads to resentment and fights.

Sookie Agrees To Go On A Double Date With Rune, Lorelai, And Jackson

Split image of Sookie and Lorelai and Sookie, Lorelai, Rune, and Jackson on Gilmore Girls

Sookie and Jackson’s season 1 double date with Lorelai and Rune might lead to a successful love story, but it’s not of Sookie’s most logical or smartest decisions.

While Sookie is nervous, she should tell Jackson that she’s not comfortable going out to dinner with his rude and disrespectful cousin, something that Jackson would understand. Fans love Sookie’s sweet personality but she needs to stand up for herself a lot more, and if she did so in this episode, it would set a good precedent for her romance with Jackson. It doesn’t make much sense why Sookie and Jackson, who have known each other for years since he sells her produce, can’t go out by themselves.

Sookie Tries To Spy On Rory And Dean

Split image of Rory and Dean on movie night and Sookie smiling on Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls fans are always entertained by Rory and Dean’s first date, which takes place during a movie night. But the season 1 episode “Kiss And Tell” has a weird and confusing moment involving Sookie when she comes by the house and tries to spy on them.

Sookie does go home when Lorelai asks her to, but viewers don’t understand why Sookie would think this is a good idea. Of course, Lorelai will let Sookie know how the date went later on since they see each other every day at work. Sookie can also ask Rory herself the next time that she sees her. Sookie doesn’t really act like an adult here.

Sookie Insists That A Restaurant Critic Try Her Food Again

Sookie looking at a recipe in the kitchen on Gilmore Girls

If TV fans could try any fictional character’s food, it would definitely be Sookie’s, as her strawberry shortcake, muffins, and elaborate dinners always look incredible. In the season 1 episode “The Deer Hunters,” fans learn that Sookie has been cooking a risotto for years that everyone calls “magic” as she swears it helped heal her mom.

Sookie makes a questionable decision here when she finds out that a food critic said this risotto was “fine.” She brings the dish and some better wine to his house, and he can’t believe how inappropriate it is — viewers are also shocked. This just doesn’t seem like professional conduct, and while it’s a funny Sookie scene that fans love, it doesn’t put this character in the best light.

Sookie Doesn’t Stand Up For Herself When Jackson Wants Four Kids In Four Years

Lorelai and Rory hold Sookie and Jackson's kids in Gilmore Girls

In the season 3 episode “They Shoot Gilmores, Don’t They?” Sookie tells Lorelai that Jackson wants them to have four kids in four years. Sookie said she agreed and admits that while she wanted children, “But I thought maybe one. Two if the first one is really quiet.”

When Lorelai tells Sookie that she has to be completely honest about not wanting four children, Sookie says that isn’t possible, which is definitely one of the strangest things she has done. It’s not logical for Sookie to let Jackson take the reins of their family planning.

Sookie Changes Her Entire House Without Talking To Jackson

Jackson and Sookie enjoying her homemade picnic lunch in Gilmore Girls

When a couple moves in together, it’s only logical that they will work together to redecorate or find a style that works for both people. Sookie changes everything in her house before Jackson moves in with the thought that her style is too “girly.”

Fans agree with Jackson that Sookie shouldn’t have done this as she has a beautiful and lovely home and he is perfectly content living there. While Sookie and Jackson are a relatable pair, this is a shining example of how Sookie is often fearful of bringing up an important subject with Jackson. She seems to have trouble telling him the truth about what she wants.

Sookie Leaves Lorelai Running The Dragonfly For Years Without Being Honest

Sookie talking to Lorelai in the Dragonfly Inn kitchen on Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life

Sookie’s episode of A Year In The Life is a bit of a let-down as Lorelai shares that Sookie’s six-month sabbatical has morphed into two whole years. Sookie is now working for talented and esteemed chef Dan Barber with seemingly no thoughts about the Dragonfly Inn and how things are going in her absence.

This is another one of Sookie’s decisions that feels intense, dramatic, and confusing. If Sookie really wants to explore other types of cooking or learn about life on a farm, why not quit for real? Or why not continue to work at the Dragonfly while traveling? Viewers don’t like seeing her and Lorelai apart.

Sookie Doesn’t Question Lorelai Leaving Max And Going On A Road Trip

Sookie staring at the wedding cake she made for Lorelai in the inn's kitchen on Gilmore Girls

The season 2 Gilmore Girls episode “The Road Trip To Harvard” sees Lorelai phoning Sookie and telling her that she’s going away and won’t be working for a little while.

While Sookie checks in about why Lorelai’s wedding to Max is now off, this exchange is way too brief. She doesn’t press Lorelai or ask her enough questions about this massive life change. It seems odd that Sookie wouldn’t want more details and information from her best friend whom she considers family. There would be nothing wrong with Sookie mentioning that this decision seems rash and is Lorelai sure that she isn’t running away from commitment. After all, Sookie has questioned Lorelai before, like when she asks why Luke won’t pick a wedding date later on in the series.

Sookie Bothers Norman Mailer At The Dragonfly Inn

Norman Mailer and Sookie at the Dragonfly Inn on Gilmore Girls

Famed novelist Norman Mailer just wants to spend some time in the beautiful Dragonfly Inn dining room, but this doesn’t work for Sookie, who wants him to order some food. Sookie ends up learning that she’s expecting a baby in this episode and she screams at the famous author, letting him know about this big life change. But she also bugs him about the fact that he’s not eating.

Fans love Sookie’s fun-loving attitude and it’s nice that she doesn’t care about being cool, but it’s not appropriate or professional for her to get so frustrated with a customer, especially someone who is so well-known.

Sookie Has A Bad Attitude When Luke Covers For Her During Her Bed Rest

Split image of a pregnant Sookie with Jackson and on the phone on Gilmore Girls

In the season 5 episode “But I’m A Gilmore!,” Luke cooks at the Dragonfly Inn because Sookie is on bed rest. Fans would definitely expect Sookie to be on Luke’s case the entire time, thinking that he can’t cook as well as she can.

But while this is what viewers think Sookie will do, that definitely doesn’t mean that it’s right or polite. Instead of having such a poor attitude, Sookie should thank Luke. It’s strange that Sookie wouldn’t make the choice to treat Luke better here, as she has known him for such a long time that she must trust him.