Gilmore Girls: Kirk’s Best Moments, According To Reddit

Gilmore Girls: Kirk’s Best Moments, According To Reddit

Kirk Gleason is everyone’s favorite neighbor in Stars Hollow throughout Gilmore Girls. His quirky personality and adoration for working multiple jobs made his character get better and better in the eyes of fans. But as out-of-the-box as Kirk can be, he’s also an amazing friend and townsperson.

Throughout Gilmore Girls’ seven seasons, Kirk has had some amazing moments with everyone he’s encountered. However, some moments outshine the others. Over on Reddit, fans have come together to share their favorite Kirk moments over the years, sharing laughs along the way.

His First Date With Lulu Was Amazing

Gilmore Girls: Kirk’s Best Moments, According To Reddit

One of the best episodes that Kirk is in is when he’s ready to date. Although Kirk is a grown adult, it’s obvious he hasn’t dated much. He decided to ask out his brother’s ex-girlfriend, Lulu, but was scared for the date.

To get rid of his nerves, Kirk did a practice date with himself and a video camera. N_Huk told Reddit that Kirk’s date with Lulu was their favorite because of his on-and-off banter with Luke throughout the date. Luke said, “I think she likes you!” and Kirk screamed, “You take that back!” out of nerves. It was an adorably honest moment.

The ‘I Love Lucy’ Debate At The Bracebridge Dinner

Kirk serves Lorelai and Rory dinner on Gillmore Girls

During the Bracebridge dinner, Kirk vowed to stay in character throughout the evening. Lorelai being Lorelai, she acted immaturely when she heard Kirk’s accent and tried getting him to break character.

The second Lorelai brings up I Love Lucy episodes, Kirk hilariously broke character to contribute to the conversation. Wackymimeroutine loved the “I Love Lucy debate,” and others chipped in to agree.

When Lorelai & Krik Sat Together At The Diner

Lorelai making a kissing face at Kirk at the diner on Gilmore Girls

When Luke’s Diner was full of people and Lorelai had nowhere to sit, she decided to sit at Kirk’s table. The two never sit together at Luke’s, so he was instantly confused as to why Lorelai would be sitting with him.

To protect his relationship, he reminded her that he had a girlfriend, which prompted Lorelai to flirt with him. One Reddit user loved the part when Luke joined in on the fun, writing that they loved when “Luke just comes up and joins right in and accuses him of two-timing Lulu.” Kirk was so awkward and confused by it all that it made the scene at Luke’s Diner the best. 

‘A Film By Kirk’ Is Iconic

Kirk in his black and white short film in Gilmore Girls

A Film by Kirk was a short movie Kirk created, directed, and starred in. It was fans’ first taste of Kirk’s filmmaking hobby and they wished they got to see more of it.

In the short, Kirk’s character meets his on-screen girlfriend’s character’s parents for the first time and persuades her parents that he’s a good fit for their daughter. The short was as awkward as Kirk, which is why fans on Reddit wanted more. Babygingersnap even wished that Kirk’s short was shown in the reboot instead of the musical. The Redditor said, “I wish instead of the Stars Hollow musical in AYITL there was another Kirk short.” They continued saying, “really anything with Kirk is the best.”

The Festival Of Living Art

Kirk dressed as Jesus in Gilmore Girls

In ‘The Festival of Living Art,’ the people of Stars Hollow are asked to partake in live artwork. Reddit loved that Stars Hollow came together for a night of art. Each participant dresses up as a famous work of art and stands completely still during the show. Kirk was chosen to portray Jesus in “The Last Supper.”

However, when the festival was almost canceled, Kirk–who was still in character—begged the town to reconsider. Canola_tree wrote their favorite part was when Kirk “gives his inspirational ‘You would fold due simply to hardship?’ speech!”

It Was Brave Of Kirk To Ask Lorelai Out On A Date

Lorelai and Rory are talking about Kirk asking her out on Gilmore Girls

In the early seasons when Lorelai was single, Kirk took his shot with Lorelai and asked her out on a date. The idea of Kirk becoming Lorelai’s boyfriend was a head-scratcher for fans as Lorelai had a real dilemma on her hands.

Mari_Toujours loved the idea of Kirk asking Lorelai out. “I was so proud of him! He has the courage to go out on a limb and ask her, and when she says no, his reaction is amazing,” they wrote. Other fans praised Lorelai for rejecting him kindly instead of being harsh about it.

Kirk’s Job At The Postal Office

Luke and Lorelai talking to Kirk at the post office on Gilmore Girls

Kirk has had a plethora of jobs over the years, but it’s the way Kirk prefers it. He’s never stuck doing the same thing every day.

In one scene, Lorelai and Luke go to the post office where Kirk is, of course, working a shift. Knowing Lorelai’s love of TV, Kirk asks Lorelai if she’d be interested in some stamps. Lucielle Ball and Bewitched stamps, in particular. Crittab loved how “nerdy about Bewitched” Kirk became. Reverie_Revlry also said that this scene is one of the good things to come out of Luke’s divorce since he was there to mail in his divorce papers.

A Stars Hollow Scandal

Kirk dressed as a woman while talking to Taylor in Gilmore Girls

In season 5’s ‘Women of Questionable Morals,’ Stars Hollow is gearing up for the revolutionary war reenactment that they do every first snowfall. However, for that year, Taylor was looking for a woman in Stars Hollow to play the part of a “hooker.” Kirk’s girlfriend was chosen as the woman in question but when she became too sick, Kirk covered for her. Taylor and Kirk started an argument in the middle of the performance out of shock, but it was a hilarious scene. LemonLymandotcom23 wrote, “I really enjoyed him playing a prostitute in one of the town’s historical re-enactments because Lulu got sick and couldn’t make it. [It] made Taylor so mad!”

Kirk The Roommate

Kirk joins Rory and Paris for dinner in Gilmore Girls

When Luke convinces Kirk to move out of his mom’s house and become a man, he didn’t have anywhere to go. Lorelai told Kirk that he could sleep at her house for a few days until he gets on his feet, which made Kirk a roommate in the Gilmore girls’ house.

In one scene, Paris slept over Rory’s house, which meant breakfast was a full affair. Lyxeos told Reddit they adored this scene, “Especially when [Kirk’s] bickering with Paris and Rory during breakfast. [It] cracks me up every time.”

He Did Not Know A Thing About Hockey

Kirk does the commentating for the local hockey game while also talking to Dean about the rules in Gilmore Girls

Rory and Dean’s breakup didn’t stop them from being friends afterward. To show support for Dean and their school, Rory went to his big hockey game. While she was there, the camera showed Kirk as the commentator. The only problem was that Kirk had no idea how hockey worked and barely knew what to say on the speaker. Opinionsonu loved that Kirk was “irritating the players” by asking them what the rules were in the middle of the game.