Gilmore Girls: 10 Christopher Quotes That Prove He’s The Worst

Gilmore Girls: 10 Christopher Quotes That Prove He’s The Worst

According to IMDb, David Sutcliffe (Christopher Hayden) doesn’t have anything new in the works and hasn’t been in a project since 2018. Since starting as Rory’s father and Lorelai’s former romantic interest in Gilmore Girls. Sutcliffe is most known for his role in Cracked. However, no matter how many roles he takes, he’ll forever be known as the father who dropped the ball on Gilmore Girls. 

While Christopher did have some good moments on the show, most of his scenes were problematic because of his relationship with Lorelai and Rory. Whether he was threatened by their independent life in Stars Hollow or using Rory to get closer to Lorelai, Christopher had some quotes that made him one of the worst characters. 

“Let’s Make A Baby.”

Gilmore Girls: 10 Christopher Quotes That Prove He’s The Worst

After Lorelai and Christopher got married and reality set in for the couple, things became tense. Christopher had to get used to living in the tight-knit community of Stars Hollow and had to adjust to being a married man. 

In an odd attempt to save their relationship or keep Lorelai under his thumb, he woke her up in the middle of the night and said “Let’s make a baby.” The statement was a serious one and had little thought behind it. Lorelai knew how much work a baby was for a new couple, and Christopher didn’t. Not only was it not the right time for the conversation but he turned his back to her when she said she wasn’t ready for another child. His ignorance of reality and thinking a baby could save their relationship from leading to divorce was ignorant.

Lorelai: “And What Are You Doing Telling My Daughter To Lie To Me, Anyway?” Christopher: “She’s My Daughter Too.”

Lorelai and Christopher talking in the kitchen on Gilmore Girls

When Christopher came back into the picture after not seeing Rory for years, he acted like nothing he’s been there from the start and all was normal. Seeing his childhood love and daughter again made Christopher emotional so he asked Lorelai to marry him.

Lorelai was stunned, turned him down, and told Christopher he had no idea what a marriage and a family entailed. When Lorelai called Rory “my daughter,” Christopher ironically got defensive and said that Rory was his daughter too. This was rich coming from a man who lent no support when Rory was growing up for 16 years. From this point, Christopher only got worse and worse.

“Rory? Rory Will Be Thrilled”

Lorelai and Christopher at dinner talking about Rory on Gilmore Girls

When Lorelai and Christopher’s relationship timeline took them to Paris, the two were having such a romantic time that Christopher begged Lorelai to marry him. Knowing that they were in a better place than before, Lorelai considered it but didn’t feel right eloping without telling Rory.

It was her and Rory for 18+ years and getting married without telling her seemed cruel. When she explained her fears to Christopher. He responded with, “Rory? Rory will be thrilled.” This was one of his worst quotes because it showed how little he knew his daughter and that he only ever cared about himself or Lorelai. In the end, they eloped and Rory was anything but thrilled…

“It’s Not Too Late! Emily Told Me It’s Not Too Late!”

Christopher begs Lorelai to take him back in Gilmore Girls

When Richard and Emily’s vow renewal was coming up, Emily invited Christopher and let him know that Lorelai and Luke were attending as a couple and that the two were serious. Emily would deny it but Luke was one of Lorelai’s better boyfriends and if Christopher ever wanted a chance at love with Lorelai, this was his shot. 

At the ceremony, Christopher had too much to drink and did his best to split Luke and Lorelai up and cause havoc. As he and Luke got into a screaming match, he said it wasn’t too late because Emily said so. Not only did it show his weird alliance with Emily but it proved how out of touch with reality he was. 

“Let’s Get Married And Then Get To Know Each Other As Adults.”

A split image of Lorelai and Christopher talking about marriage on Gilmore Girls

The day after a blow-up fight occurred between Lorelai, Christopher, the Gilmores, and the Haydens — Christopher showed up at Lorelai’s to talk about it.

Lorelai was emotionally drained from the fight, but she became alert when Christopher told her they should get married. Considering the two haven’t seen each other in years, it was comical that Christopher thought they were soulmates and that marriage would bring both families together. Lorelai reminded him they didn’t know each other anymore so Christopher’s advice was to get married and then get to know each other… Yet again, Christopher didn’t think about the bigger picture and only ever looked at what he wanted. 

“Before You Go Through A Whole List Of Excuses, Let Me Just Ask — Is Our Marriage For You Basically Just Marking Time?”

Christopher reading Lorelai's letter in Gilmore Girls

Lorelai and Christopher’s marriage was anything but smooth. Lorelai was still heartbroken over Luke, Rory was getting used to her parents being together, and Christopher had a hard time living in Stars Hollow. At this point, fans knew Luke was the better choice for Lorelai.

So when Christopher read Lorelai’s character witnesses for Luke’s child custody case, he was annoyed that the two were still in contact. He hounded Lorelai about the letter even though she was just being a good friend to Luke. It bothered fans that he was agitated by their friendship and that he didn’t trust her.

“Rory Is My Daughter, Okay? Mine!”

luke arguing with christopher - gilmore girls

At Emily and Richard’s vow renewal, Lorelai, Luke, and Christopher all walked in on Rory making out with Logan in a back room. While every parent was upset over it, Luke was enraged. Funny enough, once Christopher saw how mad Luke was, he became more upset and reminded Luke that Rory was his daughter.

Luke had no problem putting Christopher in his place. After all, Luke was the father figure in Rory’s life since they moved to Stars Hollow and Christopher had no one to blame but himself.

“She Did Not Get There By Herself.”

Lorelai and Christopher fighting on Gilmore Girls

By season 2, Christopher and Rory’s relationship was in a better place because he made more of an attempt to be a figure in her life. However, when Christopher dumped Lorelai for a fresh start with his ex-Sherry, Rory stopped talking to him.

Christopher felt that Lorelai was the reason behind Rory’s silence and said this line, which infuriated everyone because Rory was an independent thinker and did things without her mother’s guidance.

“You Know, You Hear About People Asking The Father… Not That You Don’t Deserve To Be asked…”

Logan proposes to Rory on Gilmore Girls

Christopher was not in a great place with Rory or Lorelai when Rory graduated from Yale. Ever the bigger person, Lorelai wanted Christopher to feel welcome at Rory’s graduation party.

She gave Christopher a heads up that Logan asked her for Rory’s hand in marriage and planned on proposing. Chris was shocked but was bothered that Logan didn’t ask him because traditionally the male asked the father of the bride. This was Christopher, once again, thinking he had more of an impact on Rory’s life than he had. If anyone deserved to be asked — it was Lorelai.

“You Know What? I’ve Had Enough Of Your Advice And Your Help.”

Christopher carrying Gigi out of Lorelai's house on Gilmore Girls

Because Christopher didn’t raise Rory, Luke was more of a dad to her than Christopher was. So when Christopher and Sherry had Gigi, he wanted a fresh start. The only problem was he had no idea how to parent. Lorelai babysat Gigi for an afternoon and was shocked by how selfish and wild she was.

When Lorelai tried giving Christopher a push in the right direction, he snapped. He no longer wanted her help, took Gigi, and left in a tizzy. In reality, Christopher needed all the help he could get but didn’t ask for it out of pride.