Gil-galad’s Elrond Insult In The Rings Of Power Episode 5 Explained

Gil-galad’s Elrond Insult In The Rings Of Power Episode 5 Explained

Why does Gil-galad refer to Elrond as “Elrond Peredhel” in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power episode 5? Benjamin Walker’s Gil-galad and Robert Aramayo’s Elrond shared a respectful teacher-student relationship when Amazon’s The Rings of Power first started, but their bond is strained in episode 5 after Elrond realizes he was deceived over the issue of mithril. A testy conversation follows the Elves’ dinner with Durin IV, and as an Elven maid awkwardly continues clearing the table, the High King demands Elrond recite the Song of the Roots of Hithaeglir. When Elrond initially resists, Gil-galad fires back with, “Recount it, Elrond Peredhel.”

No, Gil-galad isn’t playing the annoyed parent by wheeling out his apprentice’s full name. “Peredhel” is actually Sindarin for “half-Elven” in reference to Elrond’s part-human heritage. J.R.R. Tolkien’s legendarium contains little suggestion that Peredhil were discriminated against by full-blooded Elves – partly because they were so few in number, but also because those of mixed genetics were afforded the choice between living as an Elf or living as a mortal. Elves also tended to reserve their prejudice for other races such as Dwarves… As such, “Elrond Peredhel” wouldn’t typically be considered an insult, but the context in which Gil-galad uses that phrase in The Rings of Power episode 5 strongly implies negative connotations. The High King is attempting to assert dominance and remind Elrond of his place. Using “half-Elven” under such circumstances can only be considered an intentional slight.

Who Were Elrond’s Parents In The Lord Of The Rings?

Gil-galad’s Elrond Insult In The Rings Of Power Episode 5 Explained

As The Rings of Power has discussed already, Elrond’s father was Eärendil the Mariner, while his mother was Elwing – two Peredhil who chose to live as Elves instead of mortals. Eärendil was born to the Elf-Princess Idril and the warrior of Men known as Tuor. Another reason referring to Elrond as “half-Elven” wouldn’t usually be considered an insult in Middle-earth is that Tuor was beloved by the Elves and his pointy-eared in-laws, treated with the same reverence as a First Age Elf-lord would be. Nevertheless, the sour tone of Gil-galad’s “Elrond Peredhel” line in The Rings of Power episode 5 is impossible to ignore. Despite being his closest mortal ancestor, however, Tuor isn’t the only reason for Elrond’s Peredhel status…

Which Other Half-Elven Characters Existed In Middle-earth?

Close up of Arwen looking at Aragorn in The Lord Of The Rings

Eärendil was an only child, and while he and Elwing conceived two sons – Elrond and Elros – the latter chose his mortal heritage and became the very first King of Númenor, meaning his descendants were all Men. The Peredhel line would continue through Elrond’s children Arwen, Elladan and Elrohir. It’s not known whether the two brothers had children, but Tolkien does confirm Arwen’s kids with Aragorn were all mortal, owing to their mother choosing the same path as Elros. The Peredhel line on Tuor’s side is, therefore, short.

The only other recorded union between Man and Elf is that of Beren and Lúthien. They would bring one son, Dior, into the world, and he sired three children of his own – Eluréd and Elurín (of which little is written) and Elwing, which brings us right back around to Eärendil’s wife. Technically, then, Elrond isn’t exactly half-Elven, with his mortal blood coming from both Grandpa Tuor and Great-Grandpa Beren, but the Sindarin language presumably doesn’t have a word to cover that, so “Peredhel” it is. Although Tolkien does mention another cross-race pairing in Unfinished Tales, the line of Peredhel remains extremely limited, and Elrond is the only known half-Elven character around during The Rings of Power.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power continues Thursday/Friday on Prime Video.