Geoff Johns’ GEIGER Is a Satisfying, Must-Read Return to the “Unknown Universe”

Geoff Johns’ GEIGER Is a Satisfying, Must-Read Return to the “Unknown Universe”

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Geiger #1!The lynchpin of Image Comics and Ghost Machine’s Unnamed Universe has returned for an exciting new era with Geiger #1. The radioactive hero has been missing since his last miniseries ended, but he’s back with a story that serves as a deep dive into who Tariq Geiger really is.

Geiger is one of three titles released by Image Comics’ new Ghost Machine imprint and as one of the Unnamed Universe’s most important characters, it’s important to know what makes this character tick. But does Geiger #1 do enough to get new fans onboard for what the creative minds behind Ghost Machine have planned?

Who is Geiger and What is the Unnamed Universe?

The Unnamed Universe is an interconnected series of titles that up until now have consisted of the previous volume of Geiger and Junkyard Joe. The Unnamed Universe addressed themes of the high cost of wars and the effect it has on the soldiers that survive them. Unlike Junkyard Joe, which touched on the Vietnam War, Geiger is set in the future and takes place after a fictional nuclear war that devastated large parts of America. However, the fallout ended up creating a powerful superhuman known as Geiger.

Tariq Geiger was a family man who was battling cancer before the nukes began flying. Geiger sacrificed his life to make sure his family could enter a fallout shelter and wound up taking on the full brunt of a nuclear explosion. However, instead of dying, Geiger became inundated with radiation, which could only be dampened by two boron rods he held in a specialized vest. When removed, he glows a translucent green, giving him the nickname, the Glowing Man. Geiger stood watch on his family’s fallout shelter for years, waiting for them to emerge.

Unfortunately, Geiger discovered his family had been dead in the shelter for decades. With no one other than his two-headed wolf Barney by his side, Geiger began a life of solitude. However, he became embroiled in battles, both with the self-decreed King of Vegas and NORAD, the last vestige of America’s government. While things looked grim for Geiger, he managed to defeat his enemies and began wandering the desolated country, hoping that one day Geiger could find a cure for his irradiated form.

Geiger #1 is a Solid Story for Fans of the Character

Geoff Johns’ GEIGER Is a Satisfying, Must-Read Return to the “Unknown Universe”

In Geiger #1 by Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Brad Anderson, and Rob Leigh, Tariq has come to a small, quiet town to lay low. But when a band of marauders comes to town, Geiger is forced to act. The Glowing Man takes the bandits out, but the revelation that he’s the most wanted man in America makes the townspeople uneasy. Tariq says nothing and leaves with Barney in tow, but unbeknownst to Geiger, he’s being watched by one of the King of Vegas’ former underlings.

Geiger eventually catches on to the man observing him and discovers his stalker is Nate, a former Nuclear Knight. Nate, inspired by Tariq’s heroic example, asks Geiger to teach him to be a hero as well. Geiger refuses just before the two are attacked by the army. Nate is nearly killed, but Tariq leaps into action by going nuclear. Geiger manages to save himself and Nate, but Tariq tells the knight that the world around them is pointless and that “nothing good survives in this world”.

Geiger wanders alone through the desert when he comes across a flower growing in the sand, a flower that reminds him of his daughter. Geiger returns to Nate and stops him from killing himself. With nowhere to go, Tariq takes pity on the knight and allows him to join Geiger’s quest, but only to help Tariq find a man who can supposedly cure Geiger of his condition. The two get to know one another, unaware that they are now being pursued by someone else.

Geiger #1 is an Intriguing Examination of Its Main Character

Tariq with his Hood Up Ghost Machine

For those who have been following the series, Geiger #1 is a fantastic continuation of what Johns and Frank set up with their previous series. However, newbie fans might not find it as good an introduction to the character as the previous volume and may even have questions about Tariq’s backstory or his unique power set. Thankfully, Geiger’s latest chapter is still accessible for all to enjoy (though fans who have been keeping up are likely to find this issue the most rewarding).

Tariq is a compelling character and Geiger #1 does a great job of examining who he is. On the surface, Geiger is a damaged man seeking isolation to protect himself from getting hurt. But inside is a man who yearns for connection. This internal schism really drives his interaction with Nate, a man who idolizes what Geiger stands for, but Geiger can’t fathom the idea of being anyone’s leader anymore. It’s a touching and human narrative Geoff Johns has crafted here and it’s one fans of the previous series are sure to like.

Enough can’t be said about Gary Frank’s artwork here, excellently colored by Brad Anderson. The action scenes when Geiger cuts loose and reveals his nuclear power are a real visual treat, and the glowing green waves of energy surrounding Tariq are eerily hypnotic. Frank and Anderson make a marvelous team, especially for the more poignant moments, such as when Tariq stops Nate from falling on his sword. Despite the wasteland setting, Frank’s characters and world are full of life that makes each page of Geiger #1 a wonder to look at.

Geiger #1 is a Powerful Start to Ghost Machine’s New Era

Geiger Crashing into Bookcase Ghost Machine

As arguably the leading title of the Unnamed Universe and Ghost Machine overall, Geiger #1 is a solid start. Those familiar with the previous Geiger volume might get a bit more out of this new series, but curious fans eager to jump on board can easily do so without much confusion. For those looking for a series with action and well-rounded characters, Image Comics and Ghost Machine’s Geiger #1 has everything they need.

Geiger #1 is available now from Image Comics and Ghost Machine.

Geiger #1 (2024)

Geiger 1 Cover Tariq Screaming and Glowing Ghost Machine

  • Writer: Geoff Johns
  • Artist: Gary Frank
  • Colorist: Brad Anderson
  • Letterer: Rob Leigh
  • Cover Artist: Gary Frank