Genius Theory Suggests Garfield’s Spider-Man Fixes Morbius’s Sinister Six Plot Hole

Genius Theory Suggests Garfield’s Spider-Man Fixes Morbius’s Sinister Six Plot Hole

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Morbius

While Morbius fails to provide any meaningful motivation for Jared Leto’s pseudo-vampire to join the Sinister Six, Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man can potentially correct that plot hole. At the moment, it’s unknown which version of Spider-Man exists in Sony’s Spider-Man Universe — that is the one in which Morbius and Venom both call home. While he could be a brand new Spider-Man, he could also be one that movie audiences have previously seen. Andrew Garfield’s Amazing Spider-Man version of the web-slinger seems to be the best option in order to justify Morbius’s involvement with the Sinister Six team of villains Sony is beginning to set up.

In Morbius, Michael Morbius is a genius doctor who has dedicated his life to the study of hematology, hoping to discover the cure to the rare blood disease he’s lived with his entire life. Resorting to unorthodox methods in a move of desperation, Morbius combines the DNA of vampire bats with his own in the hopes of creating a cure. Testing the dangerous serum on himself, the results are initially positive. However, Morbius quickly realizes that the cure is actually a curse. Forced to consume blood to maintain his newfound health, Morbius constantly runs the risk of becoming a monstrous pseudo-vampire, possessing a variety of superhuman abilities as well. However, Morbius seemingly becomes an anti-hero by the film’s end, largely matching his status in the comics where he operates as a dark protagonist.

Morbius‘s post-credits scenes feature the MCU Spider-Man villain Vulture, who has jumped to the SSU via the events of Spider-Man: No Way Home, yet there wasn’t much explanation as to why. It was equally unclear why Vulture’s offer to Morbius to join him was so “intriguing.” Based on the events of the Morbius film itself, there’s no apparent reason for the pseudo-vampire to join a random person who mysteriously teleported inside a prison cell who thinks Spider-Man had something to do with it — that is, Tom Holland’s Spider-Man, whom Morbius has never met. However, Morbius could have some strong motivations based on the chance that the SSU is the same universe as that of the Amazing Spider-Man movies starring Andrew Garfield. Morbius’s history with Spider-Man in the comics, as detailed below, could easily connect to Garfield’s Spidey.

Morbius’s History With Spider-Man In The Comics

Genius Theory Suggests Garfield’s Spider-Man Fixes Morbius’s Sinister Six Plot Hole

First appearing in 1971’s The Amazing Spider-Man #101, Michael Morbius has always been a more tragic character, toeing the line between man and monster. Morbius’s biggest confrontations with Spider-Man typically saw him as an uncontrollable monster and/or desperate for Peter Parker’s help. As such, he carries very similar origins to those of Dr. Curt Connors and his transformations into the equally tragic Spider-Man villain the Lizard. Spider-Man’s radioactive blood was eventually discovered to be counteractive to Morbius’s vampirism. Due to its unique properties, Spider-Man’s blood can put Morbius’s condition in remission, allowing him to revert back to a human. However, Morbius’s curse would always return. Even so, that’s not to say that Morbius couldn’t one day create a more permanent cure.

Spider-Man’s Blood Was A Big Plot Point In Amazing Spider-Man 2


Coincidentally, a significant part of the plot in the sequel The Amazing Spider-Man 2 saw Harry Osborn desperate for a sample of Spider-Man’s blood, believing it could cure the disease he inherited from his father, Norman, known as Goblin Disease. However, in the end, Garfield’s Spider-Man was hesitant to give his blood to his childhood friend, concerned about the possibility of side effects. Naturally, this angered Harry, which led to his team-up with Electro and his transformation into the Green Goblin. While Harry never did get Spider-Man’s blood by the film’s end, the research that his father conducted confirmed that the Amazing Spider-Man’s blood likely had restorative properties.

It should also be noted that The Amazing Spider-Man 2 features references to both Morbius and Venom — both villains were listed among the various projects in the files that Norman Osborn gave to his son. Furthermore, Oscorp was featured in the initial trailers for Morbius, another connection that would have suggested Morbius potentially having ties to Norman Osborn given his work with blood diseases. As such, it seems as though the SSU would greatly benefit if Andrew Garfield was indeed revealed to be its resident web-slinger. However, the jury is still out, with Sony deciding to wait a while longer before revealing who their current Spider-Man is.

Theory: Morbius Wants Garfield Spider-Man’s Blood In Sinister Six Movie

Jared Leto in Morbius Movie

As far as the idea relates to Morbius and his future journey, Andrew Garfield would be the perfect Spider-Man for the SSU. Not only would it pay off the Easter eggs from The Amazing Spider-Man 2, but it would correct the confusion from Morbius‘s post-credits scenes by giving him actual motivation to take on Spider-Man. Not only does would Peter Parker’s blood have the potential to cure his vampirism, or at least put his curse into remission, Morbius’s desperation would likely come from the teased possibility that his girlfriend, Martine Bancroft, has also become a pseudo-vampire, having inadvertently ingested Morbius’s blood in the film’s third act.

The opportunity to cure himself and the woman he loves could certainly be enough to push Morbius over the edge where he’d agree to take on Spider-Man as seen in Morbius‘s post-credits scenes. However, this is presuming that Morbius has some degree of knowledge about the web-slinger and has been developing theories — hence his interest in Vulture’s proposal. As it stands, there’s nothing in the Morbius movie to give its titular character a reason to join the eventual Sinister Six that’s being formed. Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man could provide the reason with his miracle blood having already been established.

At the moment, the particular Spider-Man in Sony’s Spider-Man Universe has yet to be named. While it could be someone brand new stepping into the role, the success of Spider-Man: No Way Home and Andrew Garfield’s massively praised return has enormous potential for Sony. Providing motivation for Morbius’s Sinister Six involvement is just one of many benefits. While Morbius seeking Spider-Man’s blood is just a theory and conjecture based on the comics, this idea would allow Morbius to become more of a sympathetic member of the villain team, especially seeing as how he wouldn’t be the only person benefitting from a Spider-sourced cure. In any case, Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man certainly seems like the strongest way for Sony to correct the plot holes created by Morbius‘s post-credits scenes.

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