Game of Thrones: 5 Times Jaime Lannister Was An Overrated Character (& 5 He Was Underrated)

Game of Thrones: 5 Times Jaime Lannister Was An Overrated Character (& 5 He Was Underrated)

Game of Thrones is one of those shows that has managed to create some of the most iconic and beloved characters to have recently appeared on television. These are men and women who, whatever their flaws, still manage to exert a hold on the viewer, showing them both the best and the worst things of which human beings are capable. Of all the series’ characters, Jaime Lannister is in some ways the most contradictory, a man driven by his own strange sense of honor yet far too beholden to his sister Cersei’s demands.

It is precisely his contradictory nature that makes him such a simultaneously overrated and underrated character.

Overrated: His “Love” For His Sister

Game of Thrones: 5 Times Jaime Lannister Was An Overrated Character (& 5 He Was Underrated)

The bond between Jaime and Cersei is one of the overarching storylines of the entire series. It is, after all, the thing that has led the two of them to conduct a long affair that has produced three children and seriously endangered the succession to the Iron Throne.

However, there are more than a few times when this supposed bond between the two of them feels a bit overrated and, as a result, one can’t help but wonder just how much they truly love one another.

Underrated: His Defeat Of Olenna’s Forces

A wide shot of Highgarden castle in Game of Thrones

After the death of Tommen and Margarey, Cersei and Olenna Tyrell find themselves on opposite sides of a divided Westeros. Cersei, determined to control the entire continent, dispatches Jaime to dispense with the Tyrell forces which, amazingly, he does.

Though this battle is admittedly largely shown off-screen, it’s still a testament to Jaime’s skills as a leader that he was able to defeat one of the most powerful Houses in Westeros and, after their defeat, to push it into utter extinction.

Overrated: His Ridiculous Charge At Drogon

Jamie lannister game of thrones

One can’t fault Jaime for being brave. There’s a reason, after all, that he has a reputation for being one of the best warriors in recent Westeros history. Unfortunately, he also has a tendency to be something of an idiot. This can be most clearly seen when he (for some reason) thinks that it would be a good idea to charge at Drogon, as if he’s a knight in a fairytale.

And, predictably, it goes about as well as one would expect, and it’s only Bronn’s intervention that saves his life.

Underrated: His Slaying Of The Mad King And How He Probably Saved A Lot Of Lives

The White Book of the Kingsguard

Those who are fans of the show will recall that Jaime has a rather unfortunate nickname: the Kingslayer. This is a particularly odious nickname, as it signifies that Jaime broke his profoundly important vow as a member of the Kingsguard.

However, what ends up getting erased from this equation is the fact that by doing so, Jaime almost certainly saved thousands of lives, since the Mad King was about to unleash a cataclysm of wildfire upon the entire city of King’s Landing.

Overrated: His Theatrics With The Valyrian Steel Sword Oathkeeper

Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth

After the death of Ned Stark in King’s Landing, his sword Ice is melted down. One of the swords made from the resulting Valyrian steel is given to Jaime who, in turn, gives it to Brienne so that she can use it to protect Sansa.

It’s a nice bit of theatrics, and Jaime probably means well while doing it but, in hindsight, it does seem like a paltry gift, considering that his own family was responsible for the misery inflicted upon the Starks.

Underrated: His Being Present When Myrcella Dies

Myrcella was one of the members of the Lannister clan who always seemed to fly somewhat beneath the radar, at least until she was sent to Dorne. At one point, however, Jaime goes to retrieve and bring her back to King’s Landing.

Unfortunately, she’s been poisoned, and she dies in his arms. It’s one of the most tragic moments for Jaime, and a potent and powerful reminder that, underneath it all, he really is a very sensitive man who sincerely loves his children with Cersei.

Overrated: His Relationship With Brienne

The relationship between Brienne and Jaime was one of those that seemed ripe for fan fiction. And, for a while, it did seem as if they really did share something extraordinary.

However, as the seasons went on it began to feel a bit trite and, more importantly, it somewhat felt like a betrayal of Brienne’s character. After all, she really did deserve someone who would fully appreciate and be devoted to her, something that Jaime was never able to do.

Underrated: Almost Managing To Overcome A Lifetime Of What Was Expected Of Him By His Sister And Father

From birth, Jaime was fated to be at the whims of his family. After all, he was the eldest son of Tywin Lannister, and so he was expected to inherit his father’s titles and positions. What’s more, he was also at the command of his sister who, between two of them, definitely had the shrewder mind and sharper ambition.

One has to give Jaime credit for almost being able to do what he wanted rather than what was expected of him even if, as it turns out, he ultimately stumbled at the finish line.

Overrated: Pushing Bran Out Of A Window, Which In Retrospect Seems Not Nearly As Bad As Most Other Things Everyone Else Did

Winter is Coming end of pilot episode Game of Thrones

At first glance, it might seem a bit counterintuitive to say that Jaime pushing Bran out of a window is an overrated aspect of his character (especially considering all of the chaos that it subsequently caused).

However, taken in the context of the many other atrocities that both Jaime and other characters commit during the course of the series (or even in the first season, for that matter), the shock value really does wear off quickly.

Underrated: Learning To Fight At All With His Off Hand

Jaime Lannister gets his golden hand fitted

For a man like Jaime, who has spent his entire life learning to be one of the best fighters in Westeros, losing his right hand is truly devastating. For a time, indeed, it seems like it might be the thing that pushes him into absolute despair.

Gradually, however, he learns to fight with his left and, while he’s never quite the same, he still deserves a great deal of respect for both learning to deal with his lack of two hands and for having the fortitude to keep going at all.