Game of Thrones: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Robb Stark

Game of Thrones: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Robb Stark

Game of Thrones may have come to an end, but fans of this brilliant and popular show are far from done talking about it. Robb Stark is the eldest son from this family, and honestly, he probably could have been the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.

Instead, a lot of things happened that just don’t make a whole lot of sense. Robb is as honorable as his father, but unfortunately, there are so many parts of this character that still have fans scratching their heads. So, it’s time to throw it back – and look at 10 things that make no sense about Robb Stark.

He Sends Theon Back Home

Game of Thrones: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Robb Stark

In the second season, Robb has been pretty successful in battle. He’s King of the North, and he decides he has the power to gain more allies and strike a deal with Cersei.

Part of his plan is to send Theon back to the Iron Islands (because he thinks they’re close allies) where his father and sister are. Fans will remember that Theon was taken from them, and, in hindsight, this was a decision that made no sense on Robb’s part.

He Trusts His Mother Way Too Much

Robb and Catelyn Stark sit together at a table in Game of Thrones

For die-hard fans who have re-watched the series over and over, each time it becomes more apparent that Robb and Catelyn were the creators of their own demise. Robb’s only leverage is Jaime, and his mother frees him.

On top of that, it seems totally ridiculous to have used his mother as much as he did, anyway. She made deals he couldn’t accept, and this is ultimately the reason they both end up meeting their end.

He Was Blinded By Ned’s Death

game of thrones

Robb was surely, and rightly so, outraged by his father’s execution. However, Robb had absolutely no game plan outside of avenging his father. He wanted his sister back, and he wanted the Lannisters to let the North be its own.

He didn’t think about supplies, how he would run his new kingdom, or really anything else besides winning a few battles and proving he was a decent leader. Was he the most power hungry of them all?

He Didn’t Actually Care About Jon

For the few scenes fans see of the Stark family, Jon and Robb seem to have a strong brotherly relationship. This is further proven by Jon’s insistence that he must abandon the wall and help his brother.

However, Robb and Catelyn are the closest partnership, and yet Robb never says anything to his mother about her behavior to Jon. This all leads to fans believe that he didn’t actually care about Jon, which, makes no sense.

He Loses Winterfell

Richard Madden Game of Thrones

This is tied into the Theon issue, but this is ultimately what makes absolutely no sense about this entire part of Robb’s strategy. He has won three battles, but he loses stake in his home territory.

Also, did anyone else forget that he left Bran, a physically disabled child, in charge? It’s no wonder that Bran and Rickon were “killed”. And even after this fake news, Robb didn’t do much about it.

He Marries Talisa

For the romantics out there, this seems super sweet. Yet for anyone with an ounce of common sense, this is by far the pinnacle moment of Robb’s idiocy. Love can be blinding, but this entire decision makes zero sense.

He had one obligation, and he broke it – and Robb should certainly know has its own consequences. He is no newbie to battle and trade, so it’s incredibly unclear why he ever though the Freys would just ‘forgive’ him.

He Loses An Alliance – & Tries To Sweet Talk Walder Frey

Walder Frey at the dining table

After Catelyn’s father dies, Robb and his mother attend his funeral in Riverrun. This obviously takes a lot of attention away from the battle at hand, which does not sit will with the Karstarks.

So, Robb executes Lord Karstark after they disobey his orders and kills Lannister prisoners, so he winds up losing the entire Karstark family. Then, Robb thinks he can sweet talk Walder Frey into making a new alliance. Robb’s wishful thinking is almost insane, and obviously, doesn’t work out for anyone.

He Trusts Roose Bolton

This in itself really doesn’t make any sense. Robb has a lot of honorable moments like his father, but this is probably the most frustrating part of his character. He has pretty much zero reason to instill so much faith in the Boltons.

And even he did, he clearly didn’t have great intuition, because those Boltons are the ones who helped with the Red Wedding and the eventual abuse and torture of Sansa Stark. What was Robb thinking?

He Never Really Accomplishes Anything

An archer in front of the Blackwater

Robb tries to get Harrenhal, and he also tries to get to Casterly Rock, and yet somehow he doesn’t quite accomplish either. He tried to pressure Tywin, but he didn’t really do anything except for anger the Lannisters against his sisters.

He also just paves the wave for the Lannister army to help at King’s Landing with the Battle of the Blackwater. Because of this, the Lannisters wasted no time at Harrenhal – and they won against Stannis. Robb’s half attempts really just made it worse for everyone.

He’s Extremely Inconsistent

Robb is the young wolf, and he’s known for being honorable, loyal, and kind. These traits separate him from other leaders, yet he still falls into the same power-hungry and angry mistakes that the others make.

From executing Lord Karstark, to sacrificing 2,000 men to capture Jaime, to kind-of-totally forgetting about his sisters, Robb’s generosity is confusing – but he’s also inherently selfish. This hypocritical dynamic is definitely what makes the least sense about Robb Stark.