G.I. Joe Teases Major Ninja’s Energon Universe Debut

G.I. Joe Teases Major Ninja’s Energon Universe Debut

WARNING! Potential spoilers ahead for Scarlett #2Ninjas have always been a major part of the G.I. Joe franchise, but they’ve largely been absent from the Energon Universe continuity thus far. That will seemingly change with the release of the new Scarlett miniseries this summer, as the series features its title character infiltrating the Arashikage Clan, the ninja organization that trained Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow.

Scarlett #2 continues the story of Shana “Scarlett” O’Hara’s undercover operation, as revealed in the preview for the first issue, in which the future G.I. Joe member infiltrates a high-class party in Monaco. While there, Scarlett encounters a woman bearing a familiar-looking tattoo on her leg.

Scarlett #2 (2024)

G.I. Joe Teases Major Ninja’s Energon Universe Debut

Release Date:

July 3rd, 2024


Kelly Thomspon


Marco Ferrari


Lee Loughridge

In order to find her missing friend Jinx, Scarlett goes undercover, deep into the belly of Clan Arashikage, to discover the truth. But the man known as might have other ideas…

Judging from the info provided for Scarlett #2, that woman must be Jinx, G.I. Joe’s female ninja warrior, who was trained by Snake Eyes. It also seems like a famed Arashikage ninja will be making their Energon Universe debut, with Skybound teasing the appearance of either Snake Eyes or Storm Shadow.

Cobra Civil War collage, depicting various villains from G.I. Joe


After 38 Years, G.I. Joe’s Least Respected Villain Just Became the Most Terrifying In Franchise History

Cobra Commander #4 turns an under-appreciated G.I. Joe villain into one of the most horrifying monsters the franchise has ever produced.

Scarlett Infiltrates Clan Arashikage In Upcoming Miniseries

G.I. Joe’s Iconic Ninjas Can’t Be Far Behind

Considering her romance with Snake Eyes in the classic continuity, many fans would assume the “(SPOILER)” character referenced in the solicits to be G.I. Joe’s resident ninja commando. While this may be the case, a few key details suggest that it will actually be Snake Eyes’ clan brother Storm Shadow to appear in Scarlett #2. Storm Shadow is the codename of Thomas Arashikage, who is the heir apparent to the clandestine ninja clan that bears his family name. It makes sense that Scarlett would encounter Tommy first during her undercover operation infiltrating the Arashikage Clan, given his prominence in the organization.

With the addition of the ninjas to the Energon Universe, Skybound has finally added one of the most popular elements of the original franchise to the new continuity. Jinx, Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes have played key roles in nearly every further iteration of the franchise throughout its forty-year history, so their absence has been felt in Skybound’s G.I. Joe/Transformers shared universe. It’s a smart play, though – Snake Eyes is perhaps the most famous G.I. Joe character, meaning the creators have been smart to wait until the absolute perfect moment to debut him in the Energon Universe.

Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow Will Appear In The Energon Universe

A Matter Of When, Not If

Storm Shadow (left) and Snake Eyes (right) back to back against an American flag

The appearance of Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes in the new continuity will open up many of interesting story possibilities going forward. The creative teams for the new books have shown a willingness to play against expectations, by having characters switch allegiances in the Energon books, like Baroness helping Duke over in his miniseries. Whether Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow will be on the same side when readers first meet them remains to be determined. As does whether Scarlett and Snake Eyes start out as foes before becoming lovers, if they even have a relationship in this continuity.

Readers have been rewarded so far by the ways the G.I. Joe franchise’s familiar elements have been reintroduced, with both Duke and Cobra Commander subverting what readers thought they would get in pleasant ways. This in itself has generated even greater anticipation for the next round of G.I. Joe Energon stories, of which Scarlett is the most notable, given the way it will incorporate the Arashikage Clan into the story. With details remaining scarce for the time being, fans will have to check out the upcoming G.I. Joe miniseries to see what happens next with the ninjas the Energon Universe.