Friends: 10 Times Monica & Chandler Could Have Gotten Divorced

Friends: 10 Times Monica & Chandler Could Have Gotten Divorced

Monica and Chandler are often seen as the perfect couple on Friends, from the moment they sleep together in London to their fantastic wedding, they’re always seen as a terrific pair. Unlike Ross and Rachel, there are no breaks here and their relationship always seems far more stable, but it doesn’t mean they’re perfect.

But even Monica and Chandler have their bad days and times when things just aren’t working out, and while they stick together and battle through it on the show, there are specific moments when they might have been better off getting a divorce.

Chandler Stars Smoking Again

Friends: 10 Times Monica & Chandler Could Have Gotten Divorced

Chandler has an issue with smoking throughout Friends, having an on-off relationship with the addiction. There are times when he smokes a lot, but he then goes a long period of time without it. However, when he and Monica are attempting to have a baby, Chandler ends up smoking again.

This is something that Monica is very against, which is a major issue for them and she is furious with the situation. However, the fact Chandler tries to hide his smoking only makes the entire situation even worse, adding lying into the scenario.

Poor Post-Wedding Decisions

Chandler and Ross take photos and Monica opens the wedding gifts

Getting divorced directly after getting married would be terrible, but it could have easily happened due to the disaster that takes place straight after Monica and Chandler’s big day. Chandler makes the mistake of not getting the wedding cameras, and then to make matters worse, he and Ross gatecrash a different wedding and pretend to retake all the pictures.

Meanwhile, back at the apartment, Monica makes the decision to open up all of their wedding gifts without her new husband. Chandler then returns with all the pictures, only to learn Monica found the actual cameras. The two of them both make a mess of the situation, which isn’t a great way to start the wedding.

Monica’s Secret Closet

Chandler and Monica in Friends, looking at the Secret Closet

Everyone knows Monica likes everything to be clean and perfect in her apartment, but even Monica needs a place to dump everything, and that is in the apartment closet that is closed for the entire show. However, Chandler pushes her to open it to find out what is in it.

There’s a total lack of trust in this scenario from both characters, which is why it’s not an ideal sign for their relationship. Monica is unwilling to share things with Chandler, while he doesn’t respect her privacy and the need to have a secret.

Monica’s Cleaner

Monica checks her cleaner's stain in Friends

When Monica and Chandler make the decision to get a cleaner to help around the apartment, it’s something that is supposed to make life easier for them as a couple. However, it ends up highlighting Monica at her absolute clean-freak worst.

She decides in her head that the cleaner has taken her clothes and is then wearing them in front of her while cleaning the apartment. Rather than letting it go, Monica gets right up to her and stares at her, checking everything. It’s all very strange and is certainly a red flag moment for Chandler.

Issues With Chandler’s Boss

Doug from Friends

Chandler can’t choose who his boss is, but at the end of the day, Doug pays his wages and he has to be friendly with him. When Monica is introduced to him, it’s clear she’s not a fan and that’s because he’s not actually a nice person.

But rather than playing along and just helping her husband impress him, Monica makes life difficult for Chandler. It’s something that could have cost him his job if Doug had been a little more switched on, and Chandler would be well within his rights to be frustrated at her in this situation.

Phoebe Introduces A New Man

Don and Monica together in Friends

During a time when Chandler is pointing out his lack of belief in soulmates, Phoebe ends up bringing a new man into the group who just so happens to love food. In particular, he likes Monica’s food, which leads to the two of them having a great connection.

It’s a moment that leaves Chandler shocked and worried, especially when Monica tells Phoebe she loves him. Obviously, Monica meant as a person and not that she was in love with him, but it is a testing moment in their relationship that could have gone sour.

Chandler Almost Runs Off Before The Wedding

Chandler and Monica dancing at their wedding in Friends

While this issue takes place before Chandler and Monica’s infamous wedding, it is something that could have caused them to have a problem afterward. Before the wedding, Chandler becomes very nervous about making the commitment, which leads to him almost running off and not going through with it.

This could easily have made Monica panic after they were married, learning that on the biggest day of their lives, Chandler was almost unable to commit to them being together.

Flirting With Celebrities

Monica and Rachel with a soap opera actor at Joey's party in Friends

Everyone can be in awe when they meet a celebrity and that is acceptable, but Monica arguably takes things to the next level when she encounters some at one of Joey’s parties. While some viewers may have seen this as just innocent flirting, Monica gets an actor to sign her bra.

While she doesn’t act on anything or cheat on her husband, and it’s just a signature on a piece of clothing at the end of the day, it isn’t a great sign that she so easily ends up flirting as if she’s single, which is something Chandler could have easily hated.

Monica’s Expensive Boots

Courteney Cox & Matthew Perry as Monica & Chandler in Friends: Monica's Killer Boots

Every now and then people like to splurge and buy an expensive item, and for Monica Geller, that ends up being a pair of boots. Chandler is fairly against the whole situation, and he makes that opinion very clear, but she goes and buys them anyway.

To make matters with Monica worse, the boots end up being too uncomfortable for her to wear, which leads to her forgetting them. It’s clear they’re not on the same wavelength here, and that’s a big problem between them.

The Job In Tulsa

Chandler being hit on by a co-worker in Friends

The biggest strain that comes to the relationship between Monica and Chandler is, without a doubt, his job in Tulsa. The fact that they end up being in a long-distance marriage is something that neither of them copes very well with, and it is a time when a divorce is most likely.

Not only does it affect Monica back in the apartment, but it almost pushes Chandler to actually cheat on his wife. While he doesn’t end up doing so, and Monica and Chandler remain soulmates, it is a sign of how easily it could have happened, which many fans saw as not a good sign for the relationship.