Friday The 13th: Every Jason Voorhees We’ve Seen So Far, Ranked

Friday The 13th: Every Jason Voorhees We’ve Seen So Far, Ranked

Heroes always get remembered but fans know legends never die. That quote best sums up the legacy of the slasher villain who has had more on-screen appearances than any of the other slashers like Freddy Krueger or Michael Myers. Taking the reins of the franchise from his mother in Friday The 13th Part 2 in 1981, Jason Voorhees has been a mainstay for the franchise since.

With a forty-year lifespan, the franchise has continued to entertain audiences with many versions of the hockey mask-wearing killer. Some Jasons have been more effective than others, but which is the worst and which is the best?

Jason Was Far From The Best Thing About Jason Goes To Hell

Friday The 13th: Every Jason Voorhees We’ve Seen So Far, Ranked

It was already a poor choice to make Jason a body-hopping entity in the form of a demonic slug but even when Jason is in his true form, fans agree that it is a ridiculous design.

With the iconic hockey mask fused into his skin, his whole body looks like he’s wearing fake muscles, the five minutes of screentime, and a bizarre Clive Barker-esque plot led to this version of Jason leaving a sour taste in both fans and casual viewers alike. It is a Jason Voorhees better left forgotten.

Jason Is A Very Clumsy Villain At First

While fans can thank Friday The 13th Part 2 for introducing the villain to the series, it’s surprising that this character managed to survive past this movie, both as a franchise and as a character.

This version of Jason, played by Warrington Gillette, has become infamous for being one of the least imposing Jasons due to the fact that he stumbles all over the place trying to kill the characters. It is clear why in future sequels, the franchise went in a different direction with him.

Jason Wasn’t Even Jason In Part 5

No demonic slugs in this movie. No, instead, it’s a killer taking on the moniker of Jason Voorhees. Who is the identity of this killer? It’s certainly easy to deduce: fans agree that the movie fails at being a murder mystery when the culprit is obvious within the first third of the movie.

Combine that with watered-down kills by the MPAA, a visually bland-looking Jason, and a plot that lost audiences before it really even started, this Jason is still one of the least beloved among the fanbase.

Manhattan Jason Was A Slimy Mess On A Boat

For a movie called Jason Takes Manhattan, he spends the majority of his time on a very slow and uninteresting boat. Visually, fans think Jason looks great (ignoring the constant slime) but wasted on a boring plot with unimpressive kills except for the infamous scene where he punches a character’s head clean off.

This Jason had much potential considering he was still being portrayed by Kane Hodder but alas, even he could not save what fans often consider the worst sequel.

Uber Jason Is Utterly Ridiculous But Certainly Entertaining

Kane Hodder returned once again for the tenth film in the franchise, Jason X. The movie is one that fans either love or hate for basically becoming a parody of the entire film series. Jason himself starts with a strange design with longer shaggy hair and an oddly designed mask but this Jason gets redeemed when a plot device in the form of nanotechnology which rebuilds Jason into a part zombie, part robot, all killer.

Fans generally agree: it’s silly, but it is also a lot of fun to watch.

Jason Started To Find His Stride In Part 3

Ignoring the often mocked 3D gimmick of Friday The 13th Part 3, this was the movie that introduced viewers to the famous hockey mask the villain would wear for the future of the franchise.

This version of the iconic villain portrayed by Richard Brooker is one that most fans tend to agree that Jason was probably the best thing about the movie. He’s more imposing, the unmasked design is more disturbing to look at, but was almost ruined by a lackluster of a third movie.

Jason Fought Freddy Krueger And It Was Awesome

Much to the disappointment of fans, Kane Hodder did not return to the role of Jason for this anticipated crossover with Freddy Krueger but instead, a stuntman from a previous film, Ken Kirzinger, got to bring his own flavor to the killer.

While fans accepted him, the biggest issue with this Jason was that he was too slow and robotic at times, making him feel more like Michael Myers than Jason. However, he was massive, he was intimidating, and he had some great kills. This all led to a decent Jason for the franchise.

The Fourth Film Is Often Considered The Best For A Reason


While Corey Feldman and other survivors are beloved in this movie, it’s Ted White’s performance as Jason that everyone remembers.

Originally intent on being the final Friday The 13th film, they went all-out in making Jason an imposing villain who does not mess around: he breaks through doors like cardboard, has some of the best kills in the series, and, for the first time, was genuinely terrifying for many viewers. If this was the final film: fans would agree that Jason would have gone out with a bang.

Kane Hodder Was At His Best In The New Blood

Kane Hodder has become iconic as Jason Voorhees because he has played the character longer than anyone else. Audiences first experienced him in Part VII: The New Blood where he has to face off against a young woman with powers.

Kane Hodder himself added more personality and intensity to the role, giving the impression that as a zombie, Jason is nothing but rage under the mask. Kane Hodder also did a majority of the dangerous stunts; fans agree he deserves props for that alone.

Jason Was Resurrected From The Dead In The Best Way Possible

With Part V leaving fans disappointed, the studio literally brought Jason back to life with the fun and beloved Part VI: Jason Lives. Played by C.J. Graham, this new zombie Jason was more brutal than ever, despite the MPAA’s best attempts to water the movie down.

The movie itself provided a healthy balance of horror and comedy, much like an Evil Dead movie; Jason was more imposing when he needed to be but he was also a lot of fun to watch.

Jason Voorhees Was Perfected In The Reboot

Possibly the last Friday The 13th movie audiences will ever get because of legal issues, the reboot decided to bring Jason back to his roots. Yet, they updated him at the same time as what some fans consider the best Jason ever. Derek Mears (who played Swamp Thing in the recent DC Universe series) was a fan of the character and it shows in his performance as Jason has never been scarier than this version.

He’s cunning, he’s smart, he’s fast, he’s scary,  he’s deadlier than ever, this Jason definitely earns the top spot.