Frasier: D&D Moral Alignments Of The Main Characters

Frasier: D&D Moral Alignments Of The Main Characters

Frasier ran for eleven seasons on NBC and won 37 Primetime Emmy Awards, a record that still stands today for a Comedy series. The show was intended as a spin-off of Cheers, an iconic comedy show from the 1980s, but managed to find its own territory to expand into.

Frasier continued the story of Frasier Crane, a psychiatrist living in Boston moving back to his home in Seattle, where he intends to restart his career as a radio psychiatrist. Given its cast of eccentric characters, we have decided to choose nine of the most important ones and align them to the morality system employed by the tabletop game, Dungeons & Dragons.

Niles Crane: Lawful Good (Crusader)

Frasier: D&D Moral Alignments Of The Main Characters

Niles Crane, Frasier’s younger brother, has always resented growing up in his brother’s shadow. A large portion of his dialogue is dedicated to the verbal spats between these two siblings, always with hilarious consequences. Even though Niles seems like an elitist—and he is, given his marriage to urinal-cake heiress, Maris—he expresses a genuine affection for his father and brother, albeit in his own standoffish manner.

As a Crusader, Niles takes great pride in his psychiatric profession and in his ability to help the people who come to him. This often results in serious arguments with Frasier, whose job is considered as pop psychiatry by Niles.

Frasier Crane: Neutral Good (Benefactor)

Frasier reading from a script on Frasier

Frasier comes off as an egotistical know-it-all who refuses to get his hands dirty, choosing to think of himself as a sophisticated man. However, his generosity and compassion are well-documented throughout the show, and a good example of that is when he buys Daphne a pair of cheap plastic earrings from a drugstore just because he thought she would like them. Being a Benefactor, Frasier’s main aim is to help people without requiring any credit for his work.

In one episode, Frasier is being honored for his one-thousandth radio broadcast—a celebration which he himself suggested—but he encounters a cab driver having family problems on the way to the event: Frasier chooses to skip the party and spends his time advising the driver.

Daphne Moon: Chaotic Good (Rebel)

Daphne sitting in Martin's chair on Frasier

Daphne is a British physical therapist hired by Frasier to take care of his father, Martin, after the latter had a major accident. Daphne is the classic Rebel, ignoring the societal conventions of finesse in favor of a simple lifestyle.

She is also highly eccentric, often lapsing into ridiculous tales of her family and her life in England, usually ending without any point whatsoever and annoying the rest of the family to no end—except, of course, Niles. She also claims to be psychic, making strange predictions that are almost never accurate… except when they are spot on.

Martin Crane: Lawful Neutral (Judge)

Martin Crane worked for the Seattle Police Department for 30 years until he was shot and incapacitated in the line of duty. He rejects the pompous notions espoused by both his sons, preferring to spend his time doing “average Joe” things like drinking cheap beer and watching sports.

Martin embodies the Judge; he never shows even the slightest bias for either of his boys excluding his distaste for the women they end up marrying. As an ex-cop, Martin has a rigid moral code that he never wavers from, even though some of his opinions are outdated for the time.

Eddie the Dog: True Neutral (Undecided)

Eddie the Dog is Martin’s Jack Russell Terrier and the single most popular character on the show, so much so that he received more fan mail than any other cast member. As a True Neutral, Eddie doesn’t quite care about the shenanigans his human friends get up to. He is content if he receives his food and sufficient attention from Martin.

Eddie is unbiased in terms of who he wants to annoy, whether he’s licking Frasier awake or nipping at Niles’ ankles. He does show some deference to Martin, however, given their relationship, and he is as terrified of Lilith as all of them are.

Roz Doyle: Chaotic Neutral (Free Spirit)

Roz is a Free Spirit, giving in to her physical needs as often and as intensely as she can without shame or regret. As Frasier’s producer, she is supportive of him, both professionally and as friends, as seen when she buys illegal caviar for him.

Roz has a difficult relationship with Niles, with both of them perennially insulting each other about the other’s insecurities, primarily Nile’s snooty behavior and Roz’s infinite number of partners. However, her chaotic tendencies are somewhat tamed when she becomes pregnant, having realized that her responsibilities have shifted to something other than herself.

Lilith Sternin: Lawful Evil (Dominator)

Lilith, Frasier’s ex-wife, is depicted as one of the banes of the Crane household. Many jokes in the show are made at her expense, usually when Martin refers to her as “Frosty the Snow-Wife” or when Niles refers to her as a vampire due to her pallid skin.

She is a typical Dominator, taking charge of her household and her son Frederick’s rearing with unbreakable strictness. This is seen when Frederick convinces his friends that she has a third eye at the back of her head, terrifying them when Lilith watches them misbehave through the rearview mirror and issues a stern warning “I can see you!” Her coldness aside, Lilith happens to be a great mother, even if she had Frederick running through mazes as a toddler as part of one of her psychological experiments.

Maris Crane: Neutral Evil (Malefactor)

Maris's shadow seen on Frasier

Maris Crane is the only invisible character on Frasier. She is never shown, except one time as a silhouette through a shower curtain. The Crane family usually makes fun of her quirky tendencies such as her constant attempts at cosmetic surgeries to retain her apparently youthful beauty.

As a Malefactor, Maris shows herself to be a vengeful person, exacting extreme demands from her husband Niles such as making him apologize for her mistakes or emptying his bank account to force him back to her. Maris is only out for herself and her status, as seen when she immediately grants Niles his divorce when he threatens to tell everyone that her family fortune was not built on timber, but urinal cakes.

Mel Karnofsky: Chaotic Evil (Destroyer)

Mel is Maris’ plastic surgeon, entering the story when Niles goes to her office and demand she stops billing him for his ex-wife’s procedures. They begin to have romantic encounters and elope soon after. However, when Niles leaves her for Daphne, Mel’s Destroyer persona comes out in full force. She tells Niles that she will offer him a divorce, but only if he acts like a “doting husband” for a few weeks, after which she expects him to act like a complete barbarian in front of their friends to prove that the divorce was his fault. Mel refuses to let Niles have any contact with Daphne during this pretend marriage, going so far as to appear at a private party in Frasier’s house to insult Daphne.