Frasier: Daphne Moon’s 10 Best Quotes

Frasier: Daphne Moon’s 10 Best Quotes

Throughout Frasier, Daphne Moon was always shown to be quirky and funny woman, with an inclination towards attempting to see into the future. She had many great character arcs, and went from caring for Martin Crane, to being his daughter-in-law after she and Niles finally got together.

Played by Jane Leeves, Daphne never misses a beat when it comes to telling Frasier and Niles off for being too pretentious, or hilariously speaking her mind when she feels like it. Often caught in a daydream, Daphne was never dull, and had many memorable quotes throughout her time on the show.

Daphne Muses Out Loud

“If Eddie Were One Of The Beatles, I Think He’d Be George. I Don’t Know Why.”

Frasier: Daphne Moon’s 10 Best Quotes

Daphne is often seen to be caught in a daydream and saying whatever words come to mind, aloud. Because of this, Frasier and Martin constantly share confused looks, and joke about her state of mind. This instance is no different, whereby she assumes Eddie the dog’s Beatles’ alter-ego in the episode “Death and the Dog.”

Never one to keep things in, Daphne utters this hilarious line to no one in particular after Martin has hired a dog therapist to see why Eddie has been down recently. She promptly leaves the room after saying, leaving a comically bewildered Frasier behind.

Daphne Reaches Breaking Point

“There Is No ‘When This Is Over!’ There’s No Tomorrow, No Next Week, No Next Year! There’s Nothing Until Comes Out Of There And I Know He’s Okay!”

Niles looks at Daphne while she looks at the camera

In one of Frasier‘s more hard-hitting episodes, “Rooms with a View” covers Niles’s heart surgery, and sees Daphne lose her temper with Frasier and Martin. The line comes after the two men have been squabbling over diagrams of the upcoming operation, and Frasier keeps thinking he knows what the best approach to Niles’s surgery is.

In this heartbreaking moment, Daphne lets them know how worried she is, and that for her, there is no distraction that would work because all she wants is to know that her husband will be okay. It is a rare moment of vulnerability for her usually upbeat character, and conveys to the audience just how much Niles means to her.

Daphne Calls Frasier Out

“So You Gave Poor Roz A Bit Of Money. It Hasn’t Changed Your Life, Has It, You Sherry-Swilling, Foie Gras-Munching Hypocrite?”

Frasier and Roz at Nervosa café

The moments when Daphne is irritated enough to confront Frasier are always funny, and straight to the point. Daphne hurls these insults to him in “Roz, a Loan,” after Frasier is concerned that Roz is spending the money he lent her unwisely, and Daphne reminds him that he owes her money yet she’d never complained about it.

Daphne’s words over his blatant wealth are enough to shock Frasier, but the any seriousness of the moment is displaced the moment Frasier tells her that he did repay her, and that she in fact owes him money. Soon enough, Daphne sheepishly grazes over the subject and run off to her room, embarrassed by her misplaced outburst.

Daphne Has A Revelation

“I Must Have Fast Eggs.”

Daphne holds a flower while hugging Niles in Frasier

Throughout the whole show, Daphne always the ability to say things in a way no one else can. The first episode of season 11, “No Sex Please, We’re Skittish,” sees Daphne and Niles trying for a baby, and Niles is worried that they won’t be able to conceive after receiving the news that he suffers with low motility.

Daphne tells Niles’s that she’s ovulating, but Niles quickly realizes that the test in his hand is not an ovulation test, but rather a pregnancy one. Overcome with emotion, Niles struggles to comprehend that they’re having a baby despite the disappointing news he just got, to which Daphne comically replies this. It’s a funny and heartwarming moment, and Daphne’s illogical revelation only makes it sweeter.

Daphne’s Had Enough

“I’m Having My Baby The Way God Intended: In A Hospital, Numb From The Waist Down. Now Take Your Incense And Your Woo-woo Stick And Get Out!”

Daphne looking serious in Frasier

Daphne shouts this line to her and Niles’s newly hired doula in the episode “Match Day,” after she’s fed up with the birthing coaches more than unusual methods. The quote comes after her and Niles are made to watch a video of someone giving birth, and the coach merely ignores the woman’s pain and instead focuses on her “glow.”

Thoroughly fed up, Daphne stands up for herself and demands that the women leave, but not before ridiculing her methods in true Daphne style. This line epitomizes that even when fed up, Daphne is still straight to the point, and completely hilarious.

Daphne Insults Niles

“You’d Eat A Worm If I Gave It A French Name!”

Daphne Moon stares in disbelief in Frasier

Whilst Daphne and Niles are one of the most loved couples on Frasier, that didn’t mean that they weren’t susceptible to the odd argument. “Daphne Returns” is a tumultuous episode that follows Daphne’s recovering from a problem with over-eating, and Niles acting out because he doesn’t believe in the advice given by Daphne’s therapist.

Even after making up from their initial argument, the two continue to bicker after an attempt at good-natured honesty leads to Niles admitting that he doesn’t like Daphne’s cooking. Daphne comically, and perhaps correctly, calls out Niles for his constant pretentious behavior with this witty one liner that proves to disarm him.

Daphne Has A Theory On Death

“First You’re Whisked Down A Long Dark Tunnel Towards A Beautiful White Light: You Suddenly Get All The Jokes You Never Got Before, You Let Out A Little Chuckle, And Then You Die!”

Jane Leeves as Daphne in a promo image for Frasier

One of the things fans love most about Daphne’s character, is her quirky and oftentimes slightly weird outlook on life, and the how her train of thought usually ends unpredictably. Said in “The Crucible,” this line is no different, as Daphne explains her bizarre outlook on death to a group of Frasier’s friends.

As always, Daphne proves to be weird and wonderful, if not slightly bonkers. Even so, the quote is a memorable one, and a perfect example of Daphne’s view of the world, and the bluntness in which it all makes sense to her.

Daphne Recalls Her Grammy’s Revelation

“See I Was A Girl In A House Full Of Boys, Which I Hated. Until Grammy Told Me Only Moon Women Have Second Sight. She Had It, Mother Had It, And So On…”

Daphne laughs with Niles in Frasier

Daphne’s belief in her old Grammy offered many a story throughout the show’s 11 season run, and they always seemed to be quite whimsical and oftentimes, illogical. Daphne recalls her Grandmother’s revelation of Daphne’s psychic abilities in “The Wizard and Roz,” leaving those around her with many a question.

Whilst Daphne may not be the most intelligent character, her belief in her Grandmother’s way of thinking is nonetheless endearing, even if the stories she tells are nonsensical like this. After all, her psychic visions are a firm part of her character, and so are the stories.

Daphne Rejects Gender Stereotypes

“You Know, Sometimes I Wonder If I’ll Ever Get Any Of You Married Off And Out Of This House!”

Frasier and Martin at the breakfast table

Daphne’s relationship with both Frasier and Martin started off somewhat awkwardly, given that she was their employee and lived with them. However, as time went on they soon developed a loving and comical friendship, shown through moments such as this.

Said in “The Maris Counselor,” Daphne says this remark in frustration to the two men, as they both keep complaining about the issues in their love lives. It’s a classic Daphne moment where she exhibits her unique view of life in a funny, and slightly confusing one-liner that leaves Frasier and Martin trying to make sense of her words.

Daphne Finally Realizes Her Feelings For Niles

“I Was Wondering If You Might Be Free For A Date?”

Daphne and Niles laughing together in Frasier

Possibly Daphne’s most iconic line, she asks this question to Niles in one of the show’s best season finales: “Something Borrowed, Something Blue.” The two part episode follows Daphne’s upcoming wedding to Donny, that quickly falls apart when Niles finally confronts Daphne over his feelings for her.

Stood in her wedding dress, Daphne proposes that her and Niles flee her wedding and start their own life together – a moment fans had been long waiting for. Daphne’s question is light, but steeped in meaning as Niles realizes what she means. It’s a great moment, and is only made better when Daphne calls Niles by his first name, instead of Doctor Crane, for the first time, forever cementing the change in their relationship.