Frasier Characters Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win Squid Game

Frasier Characters Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win Squid Game

There are few sitcoms more beloved than Frasier, which ran for several seasons and introduced the world to the broader world and personality of Frasier Crane, popular already for his appearance in the long-running series Cheers. An undeniable part of the appeal of Frasier is its cast, who had a genuine rapport and dynamic that endured throughout its run. In addition, Frasier was one of the smartest shows on television in terms of its high-brow characters and jokes.

Despite the humor and intellect of Frasier characters, they would need to have their wits truly about them to win the perilous Squid Game. After all, there is no loyalty amongst friends or family when their life is on the line to play the various childhood games that end in death if they lose. While intellect is definitely an asset to play the dangerous game, it’s not the only thing.

Harry Moon

Frasier Characters Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win Squid Game

One of the most endearing aspects of Daphne is her relationship with her family, especially to her father, Harry (one of Brian Cox’s best roles). While Harry is a blunt and unemotional sort of man, he has several character traits that would make him very unlikely to win the Squid Game.

In particular, his inability to deal with conflict suggests that he wouldn’t have the type of patience that is a key attribute of the winners of this very dangerous and sophisticated contest.

Gil Chesterton

Frasier and Gil talk in Frasier.

Gil Chesterton is one of the funniest characters to appear in the series, and he is a close match for Frasier himself in terms of how fussy and pretentious he can be. While he might be a good food critic, he is far too sensitive to ever do well on the rigorous and demanding Squid Game.

He is just the type of person that would be easily eliminated by others who are more ruthless and unscrupulous than he could ever dream of being.


Niles wearing a basketball jacket

Few TV brothers can compare to Frasier and Niles, who have a relationship that is both very loving and very competitive (sometimes downright antagonistic). While he is a good man, there’s no question that Niles wouldn’t stand much of a chance if he were to find himself in the Squid Game.

He is notoriously unable to stand up for himself, for one. Given that he is even fussier than his brother, he would be easily taken advantage of and eliminated by other, more powerful players.


Frasier in the broadcast booth with headphones on Frasier

Frasier is one of the most iconic characters to have ever appeared in a sitcom, and with good reason. He is one of Kelsey Grammer’s best roles, showing that actor’s consummate skill. However, while he would fare better at the Squid Game than his brother, and though he is one of the series most intelligent characters, he is far too prone to focusing on the small things at the expense of the bigger picture.

This means that he would likely not make it very far in the contest, wanting perfection rather than simply survival.


Bulldog with his arms thrown up and wearing headphones in Frasier

Bulldog is one of the best secondary characters to appear in this series, and he is the opposite of Frasier in almost every way. He is, in many ways, something of an oaf, but he also knows what it takes to make a successful show, which is why his sports program is so highly rated.

With this particular combination of brute strength and cunning, he would make quite a formidable competitor on the Squid Game. In fact, Bulldog could even end up winning.


Daphne looking surprised while Niles proposes in Frasier

Daphne is one of the most likable characters on Frasier, and part of her appeal stems from her willingness to take the Crane men down a peg or two whenever she thinks that they need it. At the same time, she shows that she has a piercing and homespun form of intelligence.

Her keen instincts and ability to see to the heart of an issue would make her a good contestant. She has just enough ruthlessness to ensure that she could come very close to winning.

Gertrude Moon

Gertrude looking sternly at Martin on Frasier

Daphne has a very difficult relationship with her mother, and it’s not hard to see why, since Gertrude is very overbearing and not afraid to share her opinions about everyone and everything. As irritating as she can be, however, there’s no doubt that, like her daughter, she is very perceptive, particularly when it comes to other people’s weaknesses.

This is just the sort of skill that she would need in the Squid Game, and she would almost certainly come close to winning (if she didn’t claim the prize altogether).


Martin Crane smiling in Frasier

It’s difficult to imagine a father more different than his sons than Martin is from both Frasier and Niles, but there’s still no doubt that he deeply loves both of them and is a good dad in his way. Like Daphne, he has an earthier sort of intelligence, and it couples nicely with his common sense.

It’s easy to see him doing very well in the Squid Game since his understanding of human nature would be useful in not only forging alliances but also making sure that no one else was able to take advantage of him.


Roz smiling in Frasier.

Roz is another classic character from this series, and she’s a useful counterpoint to Frasier (like others, she enjoys puncturing his bubble of self-regard). And, like many of the other women in his life, she has a no-nonsense approach to most of life’s problems and issues.

It’s just this sort of intelligence that would make her a formidable contestant on the Squid Game. Roz would be the type of person that wouldn’t rest until she had made herself the victor, no matter the cost.


Lilith Sternin Frasier

A key component of being a victor in the Squid Game is ruthlessness and practicality. These are both traits that Lilith has in abundance. At times, in fact, Lilith seems devoid of anything remotely resembling human emotion, which allows her to divorce herself from her feelings and tackle the issue of surviving the game.

As a result, she would be the character most likely to win the Squid Game, because she most certainly wouldn’t hesitate to eliminate anyone foolish enough to get in her way.