Forza Horizon 5’s Positive Energy Makes Racing A Joyful Experience

Forza Horizon 5’s Positive Energy Makes Racing A Joyful Experience

Forza Horizon 5 is a game overflowing with color and energy, bolstered by a positive attitude that makes driving better than ever. Players who come into the game expecting a straightforward racing game will be welcomed by gorgeous scenery and an enthusiastic vibe. To put it simply, Forza Horizon 5 is a game that focuses on being fun first and foremost, and goes out of its way to deliver on that promise.

Picking up from where Horizon 4, left off, the game continues the tradition of the Horizon festival, which is essentially a giant car show that is presented like a massive party. True to form, the game feels incredibly exciting and inviting in its presentation, and this is what gives the Horizon series its biggest edge over other racing franchises. Forza Horizon 5 is one of 2021’s highest-rated games on Metacritic, and with its accessible gameplay and enjoyable vibe, there’s no doubt that it deserves such high praise.

The game’s mood starts strong with the intro, as the player is introduced to the game’s setting of Mexico by Ramiro the pilot. His narration plays over scenes of the game’s lush landscapes that the player will soon experience. Ramiro’s line “Let’s go together as friends, and family” is especially nice too. It gives a sense of warmth and camaraderie from this new character, and it is a nice way to be introduced to the game. Immediately afterward, the player is dropped into the world as Ramiro gives them a hearty welcome and guides them through the game’s first wild driving sequences, setting the stage for hours upon hours of racing in Forza Horizon 5‘s version of Mexico.

Forza Horizon 5 Is The Feel-Good Game Of 2021

Forza Horizon 5’s Positive Energy Makes Racing A Joyful Experience

Once Forza Horizon 5 begins proper, it keeps the good mood going with its first event, a race with a jet and a group of motorcyclists who leap off of their bikes at the end of the course and fly through the finish line in wingsuits alongside the player’s car. It perfectly encapsulates the combination of grounded and over-the-top that has made the Horizon games so enjoyable. This event proves to the player that incredible spectacles aren’t just limited to the game’s intro, and reassures them that the experience will only get better from there. The game opens up to many side activities afterward, such as photography and treasure hunts across its lush Mexican landscapes.

The game never feels like the player is just simply going from race to race, and it truly feels like a well-crafted adventure. All of the cars in Forza Horizon 5 can be customized and upgraded into beautiful creations according to one’s specific taste, and every drive is accompanied by the game’s bright and energetic soundtrack. The races never feel boring, and even when getting into the higher levels of competition, they also don’t feel frustrating. The encouraging commentary from the game’s cast combined with the vibrant presentation pushes the player to do more and get better at racing, which in turn leads them to experience more of the game.

There are several racing games that release every year, but it would be hard for one to reach the standard the Forza Horizon games have set. Horizon 5 in particular feels fun and inviting, especially when it is based around competition. With all of the positive energy that exudes from its core, Forza Horizon 5 isn’t just the best racing game of 2021, but one of the feel-good games of the year as well.