Forza Horizon 5: How to Filter Map Icons (& Why You Should)

Forza Horizon 5: How to Filter Map Icons (& Why You Should)

The map in Forza Horizon 5 is big, and it is full of icons indicating fun activities, sights, and collectibles. When players open their map, they will be greeted with helpful icons for each attraction and objective. While it is definitely nice to know where everything is, Forza Horizon 5 did a good job creating a massive variety of content, and the icons can become overwhelming at first. This, in turn, makes it harder to find what players are actually looking for. In addition, icons don’t disappear after objectives are found or completed.

Players can solve this by zooming the map in or panning to relevant areas, but this can make it a tiresome task to navigate the world. In cases like this, map filtering becomes essential. Filters allow players to selectively remove icons that they don’t need or want to see.

Getting rid of icons also allows players to only show the specific objectives that they are looking for if they are trying to accomplish something specific, like unlocking every car in Forza Horizon 5. Filtering the map icons in Forza Horizon 5 is incredibly easy, and it makes the map much less of a headache. Players can start the process by simply opening up their map after they have completed the tutorial races at the beginning of the game. Until then, the world map will be locked.

How to Filter Map Icons in Forza Horizon 5

Forza Horizon 5: How to Filter Map Icons (& Why You Should)

Once the Forza Horizon 5 map is open, players can select the Filters menu. Here, players will see a variety of icon types that they can check or uncheck to show or hide. There is also a top checkbox that can be unchecked to hide all icons, allowing players to manually select all of the icons they actually want to see. This is likely the best option for most players, as it ensures that the only locations marked on the minimap are relevant to the player’s needs.

Map filter options in Forza Horizon 5 can be changed at any time, so players don’t need to worry about losing any objective markers forever. This simply allows players to fine-tune their map to guide them to whatever they are looking for at a given moment, and they can change the filter once their objective changes. Players who really want to hit everything as they go can always tick the top box again and get all map icons back instantly. In addition to filtering map markers, another way to make traveling around the world a bit easier is to get used to Forza Horizon 5‘s fast travel mechanic.

Forza Horizon 5 is available for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S