Forza Horizon 5 Banned Licensed Plate Words Will Be Fixed

Microsoft has confirmed a word filter issue in Forza Horizon 5, which has prevented some players from using their own names, will be fixed. The open-world racing simulator lets players customize their driver and vehicle before they begin racing across a massive and diverse recreation of Mexico. While reviews of the racing simulator have praised the title’s variety of environments and races, Forza Horizon 5‘s PC crash issues and other performance problems have plagued the game since its release.

In Forza Horizon 5, players are given the freedom to burn rubber across a massive fictional recreation of Mexico’s most gorgeous natural landscapes. They’re able to customize both their driver and their cars, with the title offering numerous different real-world cars to choose from. The Mexico map is littered with unique landmarks to explore, such as an active volcano, lush jungles, and ancient Mayan ruins. A large variety of race types are also available, with a battle royale mode called Eliminator offering a unique competitive racing experience. Unfortunately, Forza Horizon 5 is still experiencing PC crashes a week after launch, making the high-speed simulator unplayable for a large number of gamers until a patch is released.

According to Eurogamer, developer Playground Games will soon fix an issue that is blocking certain players’ names from being used in Forza Horizon 5. While the game lets players customize their car’s license plate, a word filter automatically is intended to prevent the use of offensive language. Unfortunately, this filter has also made it impossible for players from certain ethnic background to use their actual names on in-game license plates. The issue reportedly affected Osama Dorias, a game designer at WB Games Montréal, as well as The 4 Winds’ Nazih Fares. Both gamers attempted to use their names on a license plate, only to have the game flag the plates as “inappropriate content.” A Microsoft statement provided to Eurogamer claims a fix for this word filter issue is in the works.

Forza Horizon 5 flagging players’ names as “inappropriate” is especially noticeable due to developer Playground Games’ usual emphasis on inclusivity. The racing game creator recently announced that Forza Horizon 5 will receive a sign language interpreter for optional use during in-game cutscenes in an update. The accessibility option will put an interpreter on the screen during voiced cutscenes, allowing deaf or hearing-impaired players to more easily follow along with the racing simulator’s story.

For a studio that puts an emphasis on inclusivity, Forza Horizon 5‘s strict word filter appears to have unintended consequences. While word filters are often viewed as essential for any online multiplayer game, preventing players from using their own names is short-sighted and offensive. Taking real people’s names out of the filter system should be a priority, and Playground Games should carefully consider any other names that may be deemed “inappropriate” by the automatic filter.

Forza Horizon 5 is available on Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.