Forget The Death Star, Darth Vader Just Secured His Very Own Planet-Killer

Forget The Death Star, Darth Vader Just Secured His Very Own Planet-Killer

Warning! SPOILERS ahead for Star Wars: Darth Vader #43

Darth Vader has just gained his very own planet-killer ahead in the Star Wars canon, and it’s not a Death Star. As seen in the canonical comics set before Return of the Jedi, the Dark Lord of the Sith is secretly working to once again overthrow Emperor Palpatine, a fruitless effort though one that is ultimately expected by his master according to Sith tradition. However, this new attempt will likely be Vader’s best attempt yet thanks to this new weapon.

As seen in Darth Vader #43 by Greg Pak and Adam Gorham, Vader has recently joined forces with the Sly Moore’s Schism Imperial, a secret group of disgruntled bureaucrats and officers within the Empire who wish to see Palpatine removed from power. Seeing Vader as their means of making that happen, it seems as though the Schism Imperial’s partnership with Vader has well and truly begun with a joint offensive on a Rebel facility to recover a devastating Imperial planet-killing device the Alliance had recently stolen.

Forget The Death Star, Darth Vader Just Secured His Very Own Planet-Killer

Currently known only as a “Death Machine” in the hands of either the Rebellion or the Empire, this new device stands apart from Star Wars’ Death Stars or Starkiller Base. This is because the device leaves its wielders with something beyond just a destroyed world.

Qui-Gon Jinn, Luke Skywalker, and Bo-Katan Kryze


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Darth Vader Plans To Take The Power Of An Entire Planet

Draining And Killing An Entire World

Darth Vader's New Planet Killer

As revealed in this new issue of Darth Vader, this planet-killer destroys a world by draining all of its life. However, it also stores that energy to be used for a later advantage. When this “Death Machine” was first featured in Darth Vader #25-27, the energy was used to power its own incredibly resistant shields, allowing it to block the firepower of Vader’s Super Star Destroyer. However, it’s as-of-yet unknown if this life energy can be used for more beyond the generation of powerful shields (valuable as that is).

It’s rather concerning that the Rebellion took the time to steal this device and have it repaired, even if they intended to test and use this device only on uninhabited worlds. After all, it’s still a massively destructive and very risky device that’s only a few steps removed from the Death Star. That said, Vader’s recovery of the “Death Machine” should prove to be darkly entertaining, seeing as how he intends to use its power against Palpatine himself in some fashion.

Darth Vader Has Bold Plans For The Power Of An Entire Planet

A Final Endgame Against Palpatine

Darth Vader #43 Ending-1

While it hasn’t yet been specifically revealed what Darth Vader plans to do with all this power from drained planets, it’s clear that the Dark Lord will use it in his desire to achieve order by overthrowing his Sith master. Combined with his new alliance with the Schism Imperial, it does seem as though Darth Vader will be unleashing his final endgame against Emperor Palpatine quite soon in the Star Wars timeline. While it’s already confirmed that he’ll fail, it should be incredibly entertaining to see how far he gets, and how his master will respond in the aftermath.

Star Wars: Darth Vader #43 is available now from Marvel Comics.


Darth Vader 43 Cover Art
  • Writer: Greg Pak
  • Artist: Adam Gorham
  • Colorist: Federico Blee
  • Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
  • Cover Artist: Leinil Francis Yu & Romulo Farjardo Jr.