Flash’s New Weakness Isn’t Just Deadly – It Proves He’ll Never Be Happy

Flash’s New Weakness Isn’t Just Deadly – It Proves He’ll Never Be Happy

Warning! Spoilers ahead for The Flash #3!The Flash’s new powers have put him through the ringer and revealed his most heartbreaking desire. While investigating the anomalies within the Speed Force, Wally West discovers a paradise that he’s always longed for and subtly hints why the Fastest Man Alive is never going to be at peace.

In The Flash #3 by Si Spurrier and Mike Deodato Jr., Wally and Mister Terrific are investigating the ‘spooky Speed Force stuff’ that’s been imperiling Central City. Max Mercury comes by and lends Wally a hand to examine Flash’s recent glitching superpower. Max matches his aura with Wally’s and the two begin shifting through different layers of reality.

Flash’s New Weakness Isn’t Just Deadly – It Proves He’ll Never Be Happy

After traveling multiple mind-bending layers, the Flash winds up in a serene environment filled with statues of his loved ones, a “gallery of moments“. Wally marvels at the tranquility of the gallery, noting that there’s no stress or anxiety here. Just a profound serenity that is so powerful it brings a tear to Flash’s eye.

Flash’s Dreams of Slowing Down Come True in the Gallery of Moments

Flash in the Gallery of Moments DC

The Flash is used to seeing bizarre things, but it’s become an all-too-common occurrence ever since he started experiencing his glitching visions. At random intervals, Wally begins seeing alternate layers of reality, many of which often have terrifying entities lurking within them. The Flash came face-to-face with these horrors when he faced off with the Uncoiled, a sinister being with spikes all over its body that could step in and out of reality. While Flash has been able to use some of these glitches to his advantage, like developing new superpowers, they’ve mostly been causing Wally distress.

Part of the reason Flash started glitching in the first place was because Wally kept racing off to fight crime, only to fall through an atomic mirror that opened his eyes to the hidden layers of reality. Flash is so used to running nonstop that the idea of standing still has practically become foreign to him. When he met the cosmic explorers known as the Stillness, he marveled at how peaceful it was to stand still for even just a brief few moments. The gallery that Wally stumbled upon here demonstrates that on some level, Flash just wants to pause and enjoy the moments rather than let them pass him by.

Flash Knows He Can Never Stop Running

Flash Admiring the Gallery DC

Thanks to his powerful speeds, Flash is driven to do as much as he can. And while that’s a noble endeavor, it doesn’t leave him with moments to pause, reflect or simply enjoy life. It’s no wonder the gallery brings Wally to tears or his encounter with the Stillness was so serene. The Flash secretly yearns to stop running and be in the moment. But due to the nature of his powers and his dedication to justice, Wally simply can’t. While the Flash is one of the greatest heroes around, his innermost desire hints that he’s never going to find the peace he truly craves.

The Flash #3 is on sale now from DC Comics.