Flash’s New Powers Are Setting Up a Wally West vs Barry Allen War

Flash’s New Powers Are Setting Up a Wally West vs Barry Allen War

Warning! Preview pages ahead for The Flash #6!A huge conflict is slowly, but surely building up between the DC Universe’s two Flashes. Wally West has made an alarming number of discoveries ever since he developed his new reality-glitching powers. But will this information drive a wedge in the already tense relationship developing between the two Scarlet Speedsters?

In a preview of The Flash #6 by Si Spurrier and Mike Deodato, Jr., Wally’s date night is interrupted by creatures from the Blobsphere, one of the hidden layers of reality he’d recently discovered. Wally’s former mentor Barry is on the scene taking out the odd, invading creatures.

Wally and Barry can’t agree on whether the creatures are harmless or not, but decide to get rid of the pests. Wally tells Barry he’s been worried about him, but the elder Flash brushes off Wally’s concern, reminding Wally that he hasn’t even tried to reach out to Barry recently.

A Schism is Forming Between DC’s Two Biggest Flashes

Flash’s New Powers Are Setting Up a Wally West vs Barry Allen War

There’s been a lot of cosmic weirdness going on ever since Flash accidentally gained the ability to peer into the various layers of reality. Around the same time, Gorilla Grodd began using the brain cloned from the Ultra-Humanite to create changes to reality that could destabilize the universe. As Wally began investigating how these changes were affecting the world around him, Barry Allen began sliding into a depressive state and began experiencing headaches around the same time Grodd’s cosmic phenomenon appeared in Central City. Instead of checking on Barry, however, Wally began obsessing over hidden reality layers like the Gallery.

Wally has been losing himself more and more as he explores the varying layers of reality. Not to mention, something is up with Barry that he keeps ignoring. It’s clear that the two’s dynamic isn’t as strong as it used to be. And it seems like things are only going to get worse now that the Blobsphere is invading reality. Wally wants to protect the various layers’ living things, but Barry seems to have the safety of humans on his mind. Not only are the two Flashes growing apart, they might find themselves on opposite sides soon enough.

Can Both Flashes Come Back Together Before It’s Too Late?

Barry Allen Wally West - Save the Justice League

Wally’s been spending so much time in the hidden layers, he’s slowly losing his connection with the people important to him. Barry may well mean good, but he’s also too wrapped up in his own sense of judgment to listen to Wally about the creatures that inhabit reality’s other realms. The two speedsters are quickly losing the bond they shared and with all the crazy things that are happening right now, they can’t afford that. If the two Flashes don’t find a way to see eye-to-eye, it could result in a schism they can’t come back from.

The Flash #6 will be available on February 27th from DC Comics.