Flash’s New Power Can Give Him a Secret Sixth Sense

Flash’s New Power Can Give Him a Secret Sixth Sense

After gaining access to the cosmic energy source known as the Speed Force, the Flash obtained a number of incredible abilities associated with super speed like vibrating through objects and even traveling through time and space. In fact, the further DC Comics seems to delve into the specifics of the Flash’s powers, the more of them there seems to be, and one newly revealed Flash power basically gives the Justice League member a sixth sense.

In The Flash #780 by Jeremy Adams and Will Conrad, Earth-0’s Amanda Waller has recruited a number of villains from across the multiverse to wage war against Earth-3’s Crime Syndicate (an evil version of the Justice League) in an effort to liberate that world from their control, though with Waller, nothing is ever as innocent as it seems. In this issue, Waller has ordered Earth-3 Flash villain Johnny Quick to go to Earth-0 and steal the Cosmic Treadmill, a device used by Speedsters that allows them to use their powers to manipulate the timestream.

When Johnny Quick goes to the Flash Museum to steal the incredibly powerful device, he is met by Wally West’s Flash who does everything in his power to stop the villain. Upon his initial entry into the museum, Quick is distracted by the decoy Cosmic Treadmill that is upstairs for viewing purposes, giving Flash the opening he needed to sneak up on the villain and throw him to ground. However, with his hands laid flat on the floor, Johnny Quick was able to send out vibrations across the entire building which he uses to pick up the location of the real Cosmic Treadmill hidden below the museum. Quick is able to sense where the Cosmic Treadmill is just by being in the same general area of the device, a sort of sixth sense that the Flash also has access to.

Flash’s New Power Can Give Him a Secret Sixth Sense

While the Flash isn’t actually seen using this power, Johnny Quick is able to do it because the ability is derived from the Speed Force and therefore available to every other Speedster with access. This secret sixth sense proved to be integral to the villain’s plan as well, as Johnny Quick was successful in finding and stealing the Cosmic Treadmill for Amanda Waller. If not for this ability, Quick may have thought the decoy was the only one at the location and Waller may have been thwarted. However, after sending vibrations through the museum and then phasing to the correct floor, Quick takes what he’s after, spelling trouble for DC’s heroes.

This power could actually explain how the Flash is able to have such a clear understanding of every situation around him. If the Flash is sending out and picking up on vibrations as he runs, then he would know the exact placement of every threat in his surrounding area, threats that he could then neutralize with his lightning-fast speed. However, as far as fans know, the Flash has never used this particular ability, but now that he has seen it in action, he can find out how to use it, and in doing so, become an even more powerful DC superhero.