Flash’s New Nickname Is His Worst Nightmare Made Real

Flash’s New Nickname Is His Worst Nightmare Made Real

Warning: contains spoilers for The Flash #6!

The Flash has just acquired a new nickname, and it is his worst nightmare brought to life. After his mentor Barry Allen died, Wally West took up the mantle of the Flash. He would then spend the next several years outracing Barry’s shadow, eventually stepping into his own. Barry returned, but the two continue to co-exist, but in The Flash #6, Barry calls Wally a name that cuts deeply at him.

The Flash #6 is written by Si Spurrier and drawn by Mike Deodato Jr. Wally West and Barry Allen are having a team-up, but something is off. Barry is combative and openly criticizes Wally’s methods. As the issue continues to unfold, Barry reveals that Wally, as “the Cynosure,” is a grave threat to the Speed Force.

Flash’s New Nickname Is His Worst Nightmare Made Real

Barry, revealed later to be mind controlled by Reverse-Flash, continues to admonish Wally, eventually calling him the “false Flash.”

Wally West Has Sought to Escape Barry Allen’s Shadow

Wally West Was the Flash For Many Fans

Wally West running as Kid Flash in Teen Titans.

This barb cut deep into Wally’s soul. Although it did not originate with Barry Allen, Wally has no way of knowing this, and instead is left doubting himself. In Wally’s mind, it represents the unraveling of perhaps the most important relationship in his life. After Wally received speed powers in an accident remarkably similar to Barry, he became the Kid Flash, with his uncle as a mentor. Barry Allen was seemingly killed in the Crisis on Infinite Earths, and Wally became the Flash to honor his memory. Wally distinguished himself in the role, and for a generation, was the Flash.

Barry did not remain dead forever, and after his return in Final Crisis, he resumed his career as the Flash, with Wally being sidelined and even written out of continuity during the New 52 era. Wally worked hard to live up to Barry’s legacy, and he succeeded wildly, earning the respect of his peers and a spot on the Justice League. Barry’s return upended these efforts, and relegated Wally back to “sidekick” status. However, Barry recently joined the Justice League Incarnate, the multiversal version of the League, leaving Wally as the Flash once again.

Will Wally and Barry’s Bond Survive This Insidious Attack?

The Reverse-Flash Has Scored a Serious Victory

Multiple speedsters running in The Flash comics

The bond between Barry Allen and Wally West is a strong one, and will no doubt weather this current crisis, but for now Reverse Flash has deeply impacted it with one hurtful nickname. Reverse Flash demonstrated a thorough knowledge of both Barry and Wally’s personalities, and manipulated both to drive a wedge between them, thus leaving Wally susceptible to his scheme to destroy the universe. While Reverse Flash’s plans for the Flash Family are still coming iinto focus, he has scored a serious mental victory over Wally West.

The Flash #6 (2024)

The Flash 6 Main Cover: Flash fighting off a horde of aliens.

  • Writer: Si Spurrier
  • Artist: Mike Deodato Jr.
  • Colorist: Trish Mulvihill
  • Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
  • Cover Artist: Mike Deodato Jr & Trish Muvilhill

The Flash #6 is on sale now from DC Comics!