Flash’s Classic Villains Get Huge Upgrade, Transforming the Franchise’s Stakes

Flash’s Classic Villains Get Huge Upgrade, Transforming the Franchise’s Stakes

Warning! Spoilers ahead for The Flash #8!After attacking the Flash one after another, the latest version of the Rogues comes together with upgrades that finally make them all true threats. Reality is coming apart fast and it’s all thanks to several of the Scarlet Speedster’s enemies. With upgraded powers and weaponry, the Fastest Man Alive may be utterly powerless to stop his foes.

In The Flash #8 by Simon Spurrier, Ramón Pérez, and Vasco Georgiev, the Flash Family is in crisis mode as bizarre cosmic events pop up all over the world thanks to the fluctuations of the timeline. With Wally West still missing, Barry Allen coordinates the massive response, but it’s slowly wearing him down.

Flash’s Classic Villains Get Huge Upgrade, Transforming the Franchise’s Stakes

Once the Flash is alone, several of his Rogues such as Folded Man, Mirror Master, and Gorilla Grodd attack all at once. The Flash villains use their upgraded abilities in tandem and easily trap Barry long enough for them to attach the Crown of Thawnes to him.

The Flash’s Foes Are Finally a Real Threat to Him

The Crown of Thawnes Reverse-Flash DC

Things have been spiraling out of control in the Flash’s world ever since Wally’s last encounter with the Mirror Master. Armed with an atomic mirror, Mirror Master nearly tore through Flash (at least until Wally broke the villain’s new device). But Flash’s old Rogue wasn’t the only villain to get an upgrade. While exploring the hidden planes of existence with his new ‘side-stepping’ power, Wally ran into the Folded Man, who could easily traverse the new dimensions and trap Wally on different planes. Not to mention Gorilla Grodd, who re-emerged with powerful cosmic experiments that have been altering the DCU.

Traditionally, Flash’s Rogues are armed with equipment geared to throw a speedster off their game such as Captain Cold’s Cold Gun or Weather Wizard’s Weather Wand. But whatever force that has united this collection of evil-doers wants them to be able to do more than simply stop the Fastest Man Alive in his tracks. Alone, each of these new and improved bad guys pushed Wally to his limits. Once they finally started acting like a team, they easily beat Barry. With the DC Universe rapidly coming apart, the Flash is facing the most efficient versions of his nemeses yet.

Can the Flash Beat His Enemies Before It’s Too Late?

Flash Surrounded by Weird Tentacles DC

It’s unknown who’s pulling the strings behind this updated coterie of Flash foes. But whoever they are, they’ve created one of the best fighting forces against the Scarlet Speedster. Individually, each villain is a much bigger threat than before. Together, they’ve formed a unit that is capable of beating one of the fastest Flashes. While it remains to be seen how Wally will do when facing off against this collection of super-criminals, the Flash is certainly in for the biggest fight of his life.

The Flash #8 is available now from DC Comics.

The Flash #8 (2024)

Flash 8 Cover Wally Running DC

  • Writer: Simon Spurrier
  • Artist: Ramón Pérez and Vasco Georgiev
  • Colorist: Matt Herms and Sofie Dodgson
  • Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
  • Cover Artist: Ramón Pérez