Flashpoint Beyond Trailer Promises Dark Timeline Will Change DC Universe

One of the grimmest timelines ever explored in the DC Universe is returning in the new miniseries Flashpoint Beyond. To mark the occasion, DC Comics has unveiled a trailer from series’ writers Geoff Johns, Tim Sheridan and Jeremy Adams to hype up Thomas Wayne’s journey back to the twisted world of Flashpoint. The creators stress that this new adventure isn’t a one-off event, but a story that has far-reaching consequences for the DCU.

The original Flashpoint came from creators Geoff Johns and Andy Kubert and explored a universe dramatically different from the one DC fans know and love. Barry Allen’s attempt to save his mother from death created a timeline overwhelmed with tragedy, with many heroes absent or dead. Flashpoint notably included a version of Batman that was actually Thomas Wayne, who became the hero after the untimely death of Bruce. The fan-favorite variant lived on after Flashpoint and is set to return to play a central role in this new, follow-up comic.

On the DC Comics’ Twitter, the company posted a tweet saying “Go back to the world that changed everything” along with a trailer promoting the upcoming release of Flashpoint Beyond. The video features writers Geoff Johns, Jeremy Adams and Tim Sheridan hyping up their new book. Sheridan describes the Flashpoint world as “full of possibilities,” while Adams comments on the changes to familiar characters being a fun draw for readers. The creators heavily emphasize that Flashpoint Beyond is most certainly not a self-contained story, with Johns noting, “This very personal, emotional story has much bigger ramifications on the DC Universe.

Of course, it wouldn’t be the first time that a Flashpoint story has had a dramatic effect on the DC Universe. The 2011 storyline ended the timeline established after Crisis on Infinite Earths and ushered in the New 52 reboot era of DC Comics. The dramatic reshuffling of continuity was one of the largest changes to the DCU in decades and its effects were felt for years. It should be noted that as fans ready to return to the world of Flashpoint, the DC Universe is preparing to undergo its next Crisis-level event with Dark Crisis. How Flashpoint Beyond ties in, if at all, remains to be seen.

What is certain, however, is that Johns, Sheridan and Adams believe there is more to be explored with the Flashpoint world. From following up on the Atlantean/Amazon war to seeing the newly freed Superman grow into his own, the creators emphasize smaller, personal moments expertly drawn by artist Xermanico that will help flesh out the world even more.

If there’s one thing Geoff Johns wants to be clear, it’s that the story isn’t revisiting the dark timeline for nostalgia’s sake. Much like the original event, Flashpoint Beyond is going to be a consequential story to the DC Universe going forward.