Flashpoint Batman Reveals The Darkest Batcave Trophy in DC History

Flashpoint Batman Reveals The Darkest Batcave Trophy in DC History

Warning: SPOILERS for Flashpoint Beyond #6All comic fans know that Batman’s Batcave is filled with bizarre trophies, but Flashpoint Batman has the most bizarre and intense of all.

The Flashpoint Universe has returned and Flashpoint Batman, Thomas Wayne, is looking for a way to undo it. So far, someone’s been killing anyone that Batman has tried to use to undo the reality. Harvey Dent was killed in an explosion and his wife was institutionalized for being insane, becoming this reality’s Two-Face in the process. Wearing a Robin outfit, their son broke into Arkham to try and free his mother, but this was when it was revealed that Thomas’s wife, Martha, is responsible for the killing.

In Flashpoint Beyond #6 by Geoff Johns, Tim Sheridan, Jeremy Adams, Xermanico, Mikel Janin, and Gary Frank, Batman and his wife, who is also this universe’s version of the Joker, collide in a dramatic climax. In the end, the two of them come to terms and realize they have to stop Two-Face instead of each other. Batman ends up winning in the end and decides to leave the universe alone. He takes on the Dents’ son as his new Robin and brings his wife back to the Batcave. He then puts her in a prison cell and keeps her there, planning on never turning her over to the authorities.

A Living Joker Is A Weird Trophy

Flashpoint Batman Reveals The Darkest Batcave Trophy in DC History

Although he doesn’t explicitly state that his wife Martha, also known as the Joker, isn’t a trophy, it’s kind of hard not to view her as just that. He had a very practical reason for keeping her locked up in the Batcave. With his other trophies, he keeps them around as keepsakes for his triumphs. With Martha, he keeps her around because he’s afraid of what might happen if the police get a hold of her. He doesn’t want her treated poorly and is also afraid she might break out.

Yet the bizarre decision to place her inside a cell like she’s Hannibal Lecter is very chilling. Batman and Robin are about to go out and fight crime, and she’s in the prison cell about to wish them luck like a dutiful housewife talking to a husband and son. It’s a sick and twisted scenario that’s made all the more odd given the fact that she is completely surrounded by trophies. And once Batman leaves, she will be in the cell and the Batcave completely alone with nothing but the surrounding trophies. So, it’s hard to imagine her as anything but a trophy that will constantly remind Batman of the triumph he had over her.

Flashpoint Beyond #6 is now available from DC Comics.