Flash vs Green Lantern: Who Actually Wins Their Comic Fights

Flash vs Green Lantern: Who Actually Wins Their Comic Fights

There are few superhero bromances as strong as that between Green Lantern and Flash. The relationship has been over 50 years in the making, and early on, involved a mutual reveal of each other’s secret identities. While serving with the Justice League, Green Lantern and the Flash often hung out together “after work,” and even double-dated as their alter-egos. However, as the saying goes, only real friends fight.

While their friendship has stood the test of time, there have nevertheless been occasions when talking it out just didn’t resolve the issue. However, fights between friends are different than fights between enemies. Friends tend to know one another’s strengths and weaknesses, and in comics, to have an unparalleled understanding of each other’s powers. While Flash and Green Lantern fans may know who “should” win when the two heroes clash, is that how their battles have actually played out?

In 1959’s The Flash #143, Hal Jordan and Barry Allen face off against three Green Lantern doppelgängers bent on using their powers to rob, pillage, and loot. In one face-off, a fake Green Lantern keeps Flash at a disadvantage until he remembers that Green Lanterns have a weakness against yellow. Using his speed, West covers himself with yellow paint from, “a still-wet canvas, left by an amateur painter copying a masterpiece.” He then sprays the doppelgänger with yellow paint by spinning like a top. Weakened, the Flash knocks him out with a left cross to the chin, he then takes off and uses his ring, to imprison him in a green energy cage. In contrast, when Green Lantern faces a Parallax-possessed Flash in 2011’s Green Lantern #60, he’s able to land a few shots with complex constructs, but is barely able to hold the villain at bay, ultimately ending the battle by tempting Parallax to possess him instead.

Flash vs Green Lantern: Who Actually Wins Their Comic Fights

This record against similar villains sets the pattern for straight Flash vs Green Lantern moments. In these confrontations, Flash tends to overcome Hal Jordan either as a result of his understanding of a Green Lantern’s abilities, or Jordan’s failure to compensate for the Scarlet Speedster’s strengths. In 2009’s The Flash: Rebirth #3, the Flash escapes Jordan’s containment construct with little effort by vibrating at the right frequency to phase through it. He again repeats this feat in 2012’s The Flash Annual #2, where the Green Lantern puts Barry Allen in a vise construct and threatens to “crush him like a grape” if he resists, only to have Flash effortlessly escape.

Green Lantern counteracts Flash’s phasing powers in 2016’s The Flash #49, trying to stop the racing Wally West and Barry Allen with a wall construct keyed to their vibrational frequency. When questioned about whether the construct might harm or kill the two Flashes running into it, Jordan makes clear that the construct is not a wall per se, but rather a barrier activated and maintained by his willpower. For all this strength of character, Jordan’s willpower was shredded as both Allen and West smashed through the barrier without missing a step. After overcoming the barrier, Flash still had the speed to catch a reeling Jordan and explain to him that he should stay out of this fight, before continuing in his headlong race.

Green Lantern vs Flash

Able to phase through, destroy, or simply dodge Green Lantern’s constructs, Flash tends to come out ahead in the vast majority of their clashes, but Hal Jordan fans can take comfort in the fact that this is likely because he’s unwilling to go all the way to stop his friend. In the alternate reality of DC Comics’ Crime Syndicate #5, Earth-3’s version of the Green Lantern not only uses his abilities to cage its evil Flash, but can adjust his control of the construct in such a manner that defeats the Flash’s ability to vibrate through it. Unfortunately, he uses too much power to resist the Flash’s vibrations and ends up killing him. Nevertheless, when it comes to a fight between friends, Flash beats Green Lantern nearly every time.