Flash vs. Flash is About to Settle The Wally vs Barry Debate For Good

Flash vs. Flash is About to Settle The Wally vs Barry Debate For Good

Warning: Spoilers ahead for The Flash #784

DC Comics is, once again, attempting to settle the fan debate about which Flash (Barry Allen or Wally West) is the best Scarlet Speedster in the latest Flash vs. Flash showdown. But, regardless of which Flash is faster, one of them might have a killer instinct. So, despite the fact that Barry and Wally have been happily sharing the Flash mantle, they’ve found themselves in an unavoidable conflict that may be the end of at least one of these heroes.

Barry Allen has gone missing during DC’s Dark Crisis event, and the Flash Family—including fellow Flash Wally West—is on the hunt to find him. The Flash is no stranger to crisis-level events. In fact, Barry was one of the major characters to die during DC’s first major crisis, 1985’s Crisis on Infinite Earths. Wally, the first Kid Flash, then took over the Flash mantle from Barry, his uncle and mentor. A few crises and reboots later—including erasing the original Wally West from history during the New 52 era—Barry and Wally now happily share the name and the scarlet suit.

However, that happiness may not survive the events of The Flash #784 by Jeremy Adams, Amancay Nahuelpan, Jeromy Cox, and Rob Leigh. Wally and his own Kid Flash, Wallace West, discover Barry in an alternate dimension that seems to be designed as Barry’s perfect life. Wally attempts to approach his mentor, but Barry doesn’t recognize Wally. Instead, Barry sees the Reverse-Flash (his arch-nemesis) in Wally’s place. Barry attacks Wally/the Reverse-Flash, and Wally holds back because he does not want to fight. The issue ends with a cliffhanger where readers are left wondering whether Barry will seriously hurt—or even kill—his fellow Flash, Wally.

Flash vs. Flash is About to Settle The Wally vs Barry Debate For Good

The debate over which Flash is faster is a favorite among fans, but the real question here is whether Barry or Wally is brutal enough to take down his counterpart. Wally has almost always been depicted as the kinder, more reformist Flash, and Barry’s killer instinct has precedent. For instance, in pre-Crisis DC continuity, Barry has, in fact, killed Eobard Thawne (the Reverse-Flash) before, meaning Wally is in real danger here. If Barry truly believes Wally West is Thawne, Barry has enough motive to kill his rival. So, this cliffhanger is the real deal, and the threat to Wally is not an idle one.

Will Wally West survive his fight with the original Flash, Barry Allen? Barry’s dream world feels remarkably like his Silver Age Flash comics—which means he is his Silver Age self, someone who’s willing and able to kill his enemies. Wally West may just be the faster Flash, but Barry Allen is the more brutal speedster. However, fans will have to wait until the following issue to see which Flash wins—and how.

The Flash #784 is now available from DC Comics!