Flash Reveals the Official Name of His New Power, Greater Than Speed

Flash Reveals the Official Name of His New Power, Greater Than Speed

Warning: contains potential spoilers for The Flash i#6!

The Flash has a new power, one greater than speed, and now it has an official name. In recent issues of The Flash, Wally West has learned he possesses powers beyond what he knew, including an amazing new ability to “step” out of reality. Now, in a preview for The Flash #6, as Wally battles mysterious aliens, this new power gets an official codename.

The preview for The Flash #6, written by Si Spurrier and drawn by Mike Deodato Jr, opens with Flash and his wife Linda zipping around the world. It has been many months since Linda has traveled this fast, but before she can really enjoy it, the Flash is forced to slow down. Creatures from the newly discovered “blobsphere” are attacking, leading the Flash to ask Linda if he did another “sidestep.”

Linda, overwhelmed by the situation and not sure what Wally is talking about, says nothing in reply.

The Flash’s World Has Recently Been Turned Upside Down

He Has Acquired New Powers and Abilities

Flash Reveals the Official Name of His New Power, Greater Than Speed

Si Spurrier and Mike Deodato Jr have shaken Wally West’s world down to the core, revealing new powers and new aspects of the Speed Force. In recent issues of The Flash, Wally has learned of the existence of the “blobsphere,” a mysterious dimension outside of space and time, represented by a garden. In this garden, Wally has met beings whose grasp of the Speed Force exceeds even that of Max Mercury. The Flash has also discovered he has the ability to go beyond even speed, with a new power he is only beginning to understand.

The Flash’s new power, to “sidestep” reality, could give him a serious advantage over his foes, if he can unravel its secrets. In the previous issue, Wally used his new powers to locate one of his children, who was in danger. The Flash was then able to travel to where his child was, saving her life. This was but one application, and if Flash found himself in a truly heinous fight, then “sidestepping” could make all the difference between life and death. The Flash has yet to truly take advantage of this fantastic new ability.

The Flash 3 Taylor DC


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When facing a powerful new threat within the Speed Force, the Flash reveals a secret power that makes him indestructible to his enemies.

The Flash’s New Ability Could Make Him DC’s Most Powerful Character

It Could Give Flash a Serious Advantage

Flash Running for his Life DC Comics

While Flash attempts to master this new ability, he has at least given it a name. Even though Flash is still trying to understand how it works, he knows the power essentially allows him to “step” outside of space and time. Naming it shows the Flash might be on the cusp of unlocking its secrets. Given that the ability stumps even Max Mercury, this could be a serious boost for Wally. This new “sidestepping” ability, as well as any others Flash unlocks, has the potential to make him one of DC’s most powerful heroes.

The Flash #6 is on sale February 27 from DC Comics!

The Flash #6 (2024)

Image of the Flash fighting off a horde of aliens.
  • Writer: Si Spurrier
  • Artist: Mike Deodato Jr
  • Colorist: Trish Mulvhill
  • Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
  • Cover Artist: Mike Deodato Jr and Trish Mulvhill