Flash Nemesis Reverse-Flash Gets His Biggest Power-Up in DC History

Flash Nemesis Reverse-Flash Gets His Biggest Power-Up in DC History

Warning! Spoilers ahead for The Flash #6!The Flash’s greatest nemesis is back and he’s gotten a power-up that could put the entire DC Universe in danger. Flash has been trying to uncover the source of the cosmic oddities going around ever since he developed his latest power and the return of the Reverse-Flash hints that things are about to get a lot darker.

In The Flash #6 by Si Spurrier and Mike Deodato, Jr., Wally West and Barry Allen team up to investigate strange happenings around the world. The hidden layers of reality are bleeding into the main dimension and Barry begins acting quite out of character.

Flash Nemesis Reverse-Flash Gets His Biggest Power-Up in DC History

As Barry and Wally discuss the Speed Force’s changes, the elder Flash accuses Wally of poisoning the Speed Force and stabs him. Elsewhere, the image of Reverse-Flash appears among a cache of villains as a mysterious voice reveals its plan to use Wally to unleash a cosmic virus on the world is almost complete.

The Reverse-Flash is Back With World-Killing Aspirations

reverse flash in dc comics

Things have been odd in the Flash’s life and in the Speed Force as of late, and not just because of Wally’s recent ability to ‘sidestep’ into the unseen layers of reality. Many of the Fastest Man Alive’s iconic villains like Gorilla Grodd, Mirror Master, and the Folding Man began reappearing with upgrades that made them more intimidating than ever. However, the Flash has been too preoccupied with his sidestepping power and his discovery of the tranquil ‘Gallery’ level to do any real digging into the causes behind his rogues’ unsettling and powerful boosts in power.

It’s hard to tell if this ‘Crown of Thawnes’ is actually the Reverse-Flash or simply a representation of his odd, paradoxical nature. Barry does seem to be channeling Thawne’s attitude when he’s seemingly possessed before attacking Wally, mocking Wally and calling him a ‘false Flash’. Whether the Crown of Thawnes is truly Eobard or his twisted essence, it appears to be a doomsday weapon an unknown villain wants to use to destroy everything in creation. Given the hatred and contradictory nature of Thawn, the Reverse-Flash may be the most effective weapon that could put an end to the DCU.

Flash’s Greatest Enemy is About to Annihilate Everything

Reverse Flash comic book image

On his own, the Reverse-Flash was one of the most dangerous beings who ever lived in the DC Universe. Now, someone or something has weaponized the hate and toxicity of Eobard Thawne and is aiming it like a missile to destroy everything that’s ever been. The Flash Family has fought Reverse-Flash before, but how can they stop this new, upgraded version of him? And what else has this mysterious presence has planned for the Crown of Thawnes? Hopefully, the Flash can figure out what the return of the Reverse-Flash means before reality is completely destroyed.

The Flash #6 is available now from DC Comics.

The Flash # (2024)

Image of the Flash fighting off a horde of aliens.
  • Writer: Si Spurrier
  • Artist: Mike Deodato, Jr.
  • Colorist: Trish Mulvihill
  • Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
  • Cover Artist: Mike Deodato, Jr.