Flash Is Famous for Caring About His Villains – But DC Confirms He’s Failed a Major Foe

Flash Is Famous for Caring About His Villains – But DC Confirms He’s Failed a Major Foe

Warning! Spoilers ahead for The Flash #5!The Flash may be known for his compassion towards his foes, but his lack of care for one villain could be a black mark on his career. Wally West is currently dealing with some strange aberrations in the Speed Force and one huge oversight could be making things a lot worse.

In The Flash #5 by Si Spurrier and Mike Deodato, Jr., the Flash’s son Jai West is dealing with a strange new power. He’s producing fleshy homunculi that act as conduits and transporting to and from where his father is interrogating Gorilla Grodd.

Flash Is Famous for Caring About His Villains – But DC Confirms He’s Failed a Major Foe

Jai watches helplessly from a control room while Grodd escapes his binds and begins attacking Flash. Jai talks to Grodd over an intercom and asks why he does what he does. Grodd admits the Flash never asked him before and opens up about the struggles he faces as a leader/father figure to his fellow apes.

Flash Failed Gorilla Grodd (And the World is Paying for It)

Gorilla Grodd Kills Chad DC

Things have been busy for Flash. After Wally gained a powerful upgrade and began peering into hidden layers of reality, his city came under repeated attacks by Gorilla Grodd and several other apes from Gorilla City. Grodd was tight-lipped on what he was doing, but his actions have begun tearing open pockets of reality, actions that have caught the attention of powerful, otherworldly beings like the Uncoiled or the Stillness. While Flash isn’t entirely sure of Grodd’s reasons or how he got the inspiration, Wally knows that Grodd’s actions could result in the universe being torn apart.

What’s curious about this scene is that Flash is known for being amicable with many of his foes. There’s a respect between Wally and the Rogues, and their former member Pied Piper became one of Wally’s closest allies. However, it doesn’t seem like Wally’s ever considered extending this kind of outreach to Grodd. Granted, Grodd is a madman who’s tried to take over the DC Universe numerous times. But still, Jai did something his father never did and talked with Wally’s nemesis. If Flash had talked to Grodd, the DC Universe might not be in the danger it’s currently in.

Flash Must Reach Out to Grodd to Save the Universe

Flash 2 Variant Grodd

Flash and Grodd might not get along, but as Jai showed, Grodd is willing to talk things out and perhaps even be reasoned with. Grodd just isn’t used to heroes reaching out to him. Perhaps if Flash showed some of the same compassion he’s shown to other villains, Wally could find a peaceful resolution to Grodd’s latest plan. Sure, there’s no guarantee that such a thing would work. But if the Flash doesn’t at least try to reach out to his enemies, then his failures could cause the DC Universe to unnecessarily suffer.

The Flash #5 is available now from DC Comics.

The Flash #5 (2024)

  • Writer: Si Spurrier
  • Artist: Mike Deodato, Jr.
  • Colorist: Trish Mulvihill
  • Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
  • Cover Artist: Mike Deodato, Jr.