Flash Has a Hidden Power that Would Make Superman Jealous

Flash Has a Hidden Power that Would Make Superman Jealous

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Titans: Beast World #6!Even Superman would have to give it up for the Flash, who just demonstrated a powerful new ability. The “Beast World” concludes and every hero scrambles to save as many lives as possible. During the chaos, the Fastest Man Alive reveals one surprising power that the Man of Steel Would love to have.

In Titans: Beast World #6 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, Lucas Meyer, and Eduardo Panisca, Raven battles Doctor Hate, aka a physical manifestation of her demonic side. Raven tries her best against her counterpart, but the Helmet of Hate gives the evil Raven too much of an edge.

Flash Has a Hidden Power that Would Make Superman Jealous

Fortunately, Starfire and Flash come to assist Raven with the latter stealing the helm and running off with it. The Helmet of Hate tries to tempt Wally, but Flash boasts that he can think faster than any attempts at mind manipulation. Wally ditches the helm in a volcano and heads back to assist his friends.

Flash is Invulnerable to Mind Control Attacks

Titans Beast World #6 Flash throwing Doctor Hates Helm into a volcano pt 2

The Helmet of Hate is the diametric opposite of the Helmet of Fate, the relic used by Doctor Fate. It was recovered from Lazarus Island by Peacemaker under Amanda Waller’s orders when she was kicking her anti-metahuman agenda into high gear. Combined with the Nightmare Stone recovered from Insomnia, she bequeathed these items to Raven’s demonic half, who had recently been liberated from the gem on Raven’s head. The full power of the Helmet of Hate was never disclosed, but it did amplify the evil Raven’s abilities as well as allow her to tap into the Lords of Chaos’ power.

Flash’s speed has never just been limited to what he can do physically. Barry Allen once demonstrated how the Speed Force can augment his thoughts and give him a kind of precognitive ability. Wally shows that his mind moves just as quickly when the Helmet of Hate tries to tempt him into becoming its new bearer. This is a fantastic ability as it means that no villain who specializes in mind control can get their hooks into him. While Clark might be able to catch up with Wally in a race, Superman doesn’t have the same immunity that Flash does.

Flash Never Has to Worry About Villains Turning Him Evil

Flash Wally West Running Forward

It’s always a concern that heroes as powerful as the Flash could fall under the sway of an evil force through mind manipulation. While that’s happened a few times to Superman, the Flash could easily avoid a rogue magic user doing the same thing to him simply by thinking faster than any spellbinder’s charms. Sure, Clark can and has defeated several powerful magic users before. But unlike Superman, the Flash never has to worry about his thoughts being manipulated thanks to the Speed Force making them move too fast.

Titans: Beast World #6 is available now from DC Comics.

Titans: Beast World #6 (2024)

Titans Beast World #6 Cover
  • Writer: Tom Taylor
  • Artist: Ivan Reis, Lucas Meyer, and Eduardo Panisca
  • Colorist: Brad Anderson and Romulo Fajardo Jr.
  • Letterer: Wes Abbott
  • Cover Artist: Ivan Reis