Flash Admits One DC Hero Is Faster Than Him

Flash Admits One DC Hero Is Faster Than Him

Barry Allen is the fastest man alive in the DC Universe, while he acts as the hero The Flash, his speed is nearly unbeatable, but Barry after racing a new surprising hero, Barry had to admit that this new person was maybe just a tad faster than the Scarlet Speedster.

Barry Allen was the second Flash, and he was one of the fastest at the time. Barry’s speed feats include beating Superman in a race, running through time, and even running across the multiverse, all of this speed lead Barry to, at the time, rightfully claim the title of the fastest man alive. Both Barry and Jay Garrick’s top speed has been listed as 186,000 miles per second, with Jay able to reach this speed faster than Barry, but Barry is able to maintain it longer. This speed allows Flash to beat Superman in a fight, especially since his top speed of 186,000 was a long time ago. Barry’s top speed has undeniably increased since then.

Barry is so absurdly fast that it’s hard to imagine there could be anyone faster than him, but after one fateful race, Barry had to admit his defeat. Readers finally got to see the speedster that beat Barry Allen back in Bryan Hitch and Tony Salvador Daniel’s Justice League #27. The speedster that beat Barry is revealed to be none other than Nora Allen, the hero known as Cruise. A heroine from a dark future ruled by the villain Sovereign. The fact Cruise can beat her father in a race, albeit by a hair, isn’t that surprising. Most superhero children end up being better than their parents, such as when Jon Kent proved he was Superman with a feat, not even his father had managed.

Cruise Just Barely Beat Barry In Their Race

Flash Admits One DC Hero Is Faster Than Him

While Barry Allen’s speed is absurd, he mostly grew up in a time of peace. While Barry definitely had to stand up to and fight supervillains, he was never in any fear of being hunted down by a villain that already controlled the planet. Since Cruise came from a dark future where Sovereign had taken over, she literally had to run or be killed, and being under that kind of pressure can make a speedster very fast quickly. Combine that with the fact that most children of superheroes end up being stronger versions of their parents, such as with Jon Kent, it’s not surprising that Barry would lose this race. This also isn’t even the first time the debate over the fastest Flash has ended with Barry not being the winner.

Barry Allen used to be the fastest man alive, but over time both Wally West and his own child Nora Allen have managed to overtake him in speed, and there’s nothing wrong with that. The Flash is an iconic and legendary hero, whose legacy just keeps getting faster and faster.