Flash: A Great Evil is Lurking in the Speed Force

Flash: A Great Evil is Lurking in the Speed Force

Spoilers for The Flash #771 ahead!

Wally West, the Flash, has been leaping through time for an unknown reason, and in his most recent issue, readers finally learn the potential reason: it is a symptom of a great evil lurking in the Speed Force, ready to strike at any moment.

Wally West once again became the Flash in Infinite Frontier #0, after Barry Allen was offered a spot on the Justice Incarnate, the Justice League of the Multiverse. Barry asked Wally to take over the role once more, but before there could be a transition, Wally was thrust into the Speed Force, leaping from one body to the next, with one common thread: they all had super-speed. While no one knows what exactly is causing Wally’s jumps through time, it is clear there is…something behind them, and now it is becoming clear that whatever is behind them may not be benevolent.

In Flash #771, Wally leaps into the body of Professor Zoom, the Reverse-Flash; meanwhile, back on Earth, Green Arrow, Mister Terrific and Barry try to figure out what is causing the jumps and how to get him back. Barry speculates they have been approaching the problem wrong: they felt something outside of the Speed Force was behind Wally’s leaps, but he now believes they are being caused by something inside the Speed Force. He goes on to say that Wally’s jumps are the Speed Force’s way of purging whatever it is—but it is not coming out, and this gives Barry pause: whatever it is trying to get rid of is powerful enough to resist the Speed Force, one of the primordial forces in the Universe. Mister Terrific believes that creating a surge using tachyons may bring Wally home and expel whatever is in the Speed Force.

Flash: A Great Evil is Lurking in the Speed Force

The Speed Force is one of the most powerful forces in the DC Universe, but for all its power, it is also one of the most mysterious. Speedsters have devoted their entire lives to studying it, but it still remains an enigma. What is lurking deep inside the Speed Force? Why is it forcing Wally to jump from era to era, into the body of other speedsters? Perhaps the speedsters he is leaping into will play a role in stopping whatever is hiding in the Speed Force?

A great evil might be lurking in the Speed Force and it is up to the Flash to stop it. Flash #771 is written by Jeremy Adams with art by a rotating team of artists, including Kevin Maguire, Howard Porter, Bryan Hitch and Scott Kolins, colors by Michael Atiyeh and letters by Steve Wands. The issue is on sale now.