First Xbox Series X Pre-Order Shipments Are On Their Way To Stores

A new photo has revealed that the initial batch of pre-ordered Xbox Series X units has made its way to warehouses and will be heading to stores soon. After months of speculation, Microsoft and Sony opened the pre-orders for their next-gen systems in September, but the move went more smoothly for the new Xbox consoles.

Sony dropped the ball with the PS5 pre-orders, as it tried to get the drop on Microsoft by releasing them also as soon as the release date for the system was announced. This led to stores seemingly launching their pre-order windows at random times, leaving many average customers out in the cold. Most people can’t spend all day refreshing store windows, but scalpers can, which has led to anger from the fans who missed out on the chance to buy a system.

Meanwhile, the Xbox Series X pre-order situation was handled much better, as Microsoft enforced the start dates. It seems that the Xbox Series X launch is progressing as planned. Industry insider and analyst Daniel Ahmad has posted a picture on Twitter showing the first batch of Xbox Series X pre-orders having arrived in a warehouse, from which they appear to be ready to ship. The photo also gives anther glimpse at the Xbox Series X box, which has a picture of Halo Infinite on it, despite the fact that the game has been delayed to 2021.

Microsoft has been sending out Xbox Series X units to journalists and influencers, who have had a chance to demonstrate the backward compatibility and fast load times of the system. It’s clear that the system is ready to be in the hands of fans in a few months, unlike the PS5, which is having pre-orders canceled and broken into waves in places like North America and the UK.

The next-generation of consoles is due to begin next month, but there has been a lot of uncertainty throughout the year, due to COVID-19 causing production issues around the globe. It seems that these concerns were unfounded when it comes to Microsoft, as there has been no word of delays regarding the initial shipment of systems. The question now is whether Sony can get its act together and ensure that the PS5 is also ready for launch this holiday season, otherwise, it might lose to Microsoft by virtue of not having enough stock on shelves, prompting customers to look elsewhere.

Xbox Series X will launch on November 10.