Firefly: How The TV Show Could Be Cast In 2022

Firefly: How The TV Show Could Be Cast In 2022

Firefly first hit television screens 20 years ago on September 20, 2002. However, thanks to a passionate cult following, the series has been revived for a 2005 movie and other propertiesq1 Since then, there have been numerous comics released by Dark Horse and Boom Studios that have told the tale of the starship Serenity, yet none have attempted to reboot the franchise.

Despite how unsuccessful the original TV show was, there have been rumors that a Firefly revival is in the works at Disney+, which is now streaming the original show. While the idea of a reboot might not sit well with fans who hold dear to the original show’s crew, it could very well succeed if the right actors were picked to reinvent the characters. Here are the performers who would be perfect for filling the iconic roles of Malcolm Reynolds and his band of shiny outlaws.

Shepherd Derrial Book: Mike Colter

Firefly: How The TV Show Could Be Cast In 2022

The mysterious religious figure aboard Serenity, Shepherd Book was originally played by the late Ron Glass. He bestowed the character with a kindly twinkle in his eye and perfectly captured the pious nature of this pacifist who is willing to bend the rules to help out the crew. When considering these qualities, Mike Colter could make for a good Book.

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Despite being younger than Glass was when the late actor was cast for Firefly, Mike Colter has the range to portray a kind hearted evangelist who keeps his past guarded, as evidenced by his portrayal of David Acosta in Evil. Additionally, his role as Luke Cage in Luke Cage would lend to the mystery of Book’s past and make it convincing for a kindly preacher to be some sort of rough and tumble agent for the Alliance.

Inara Serra: Melissa O’Neill

Firefly's Inara stares at the camera, Melissa O'Neill contemplates as Two on Dark Matter.

The classiest person aboard Serenity, Inara was envisioned as what a sex worker might be like if the profession wasn’t looked down upon. As a companion, Inara doesn’t just offer up her body for pleasure but also provides emotional and spiritual intimacy for her clients. Most importantly, she has complete autonomy in her profession.

Though Melissa O’Neil hasn’t quite portrayed a character of Inara’s vein in any of the shows she has worked on, she does give off similar vibes to that of Morena Baccarin. More importantly, she knows how to hold her own against a charmer like Nathan Fillion and would be a great avatar for the multiculturalism that Firefly hinted at in its mix of Eastern and Western cultures.

Jayne Cobb: Dave Bautista

Jayne holds his gun, Dave Bautista broods.

Jayne is the show’s muscle and most-dimwitted character. He’s crude, duplicitous, and always looking out for himself. Despite these qualities, there’s still depth to the character, as evidenced by his wish to not be known as a traitor in one of Firefly’s most shocking moments. Such depth and fear in a character who is otherwise cocky and self-assured is key to casting Jayne. Enter Dave Bautista.

Bautista is most famous for playing the obtuse Drax the Destroyer in Guardians of the Galaxy, a role which leans heavily on his comedic chops. Yet watch him in other films such as Hotel Artemis, and you see how appropriately menacing Bautista can be. That range, and the way Bautista could blend those two elements together, is why he would make for a riveting Jayne Cobb.

Kaylee Frye: Hailee Steinfeld

Kaylee on the left, Hailee Steinfeld on the right

A more chipper personality than most everyone else aboard Serenity, Kaylee is the crew’s likeable mechanic. Though this often relegates her to staying on the ship and acting in a supporting role, this does not make Kaylee a submissive character. She’s more than willing to stand up for herself if someone like Simon insults her, and will defend Serenity if anyone is foolish enough to call it a piece of junk.

When factoring in Kaylee’s “traditional girly attitude” along with her practical capabilities, Hailee Steinfeld cements herself as the perfect actress to play Firefly’s mechanic. She’s played a convincing mechanic in Bumblebee, proved herself an endearing presence in films such as Pitch Perfect 2, and also has displayed her sharp tongue and wit in the brilliant Edge of Seventeen.

Simon Tam: Jack Quaid

Simon Tam on the left, Jack Quaid leaning on a table in the right image

The resident “fish out of water,” Simon is the high-strung audience surrogate. He’s polite, well-spoken, and highly educated, yet he lacks in street smarts and feels out of place on Serenity. Perhaps most important to his character is his loyalty to his sister. This is a man whose choice to go on the run and live like a slum are driven by love.

Taking Simon’s aspects into account, Jack Quaid could serve the role well. His performance as Hughie in The Boys first season is not unlike Simon in Firefly. He’s a somewhat bookish personality who is at odds with the rest of the Boys, yet works with them because of his hatred for the Seven (namely A-Train). Though the character has grown since then, Quaid’s take on Hughie during that first season is enough to show he’d be right for Simon.

River Tam: Millie Bobby Brown

River holds a stick, Eleven clutches the phone.

The series’ most complicated character and the one of the main sources of danger on Serenity, River is a gifted child prodigy who was experimented on by the Alliance and left mentally unstable as a result. When not brought to a state of hysteria by her psychic abilities in some of Firefly’s best episodes, River is a very intuitive girl who mines unique observations from her surroundings that the crew only partly understand.

Given all of River’s qualities, Millie Bobby Brown is the most obvious choice to play hen. Her portrayal of Eleven in Stranger Things not only matches the character of River in many respects, but also shows just how capable of an actor Brown is at such a young age, something which is important when considering the complexities of River.

Hoban “Wash” Washburne: Skylar Astin

Wash pilots the ship, Max sits at his desk

Wash is Serenity’s pilot and the zaniest character on Firefly. While all the characters have their moments of comedic release, Wash is by far the character with the most quips and jokes on board. He has a natural, light-hearted outlook and is the most welcoming member of the crew. He’s also a loyal husband and dedicated to the rest of the crew.

Similar to Wash, Skylar Astin has embodied these elements in various shows in movies. His role as Max Richman on Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist in particular serves as a great template for his take on Wash given his sharp tongue, self-assured coding skills, and dedication to Zoey.

Zoe Washburne: Mekia Cox

Zoe brandishes a shotgun, Mekia Cox as Amanda Warner on Secrets and Lies

The tough as nails second-in-command aboard Serenity, Zoe Washburne was loyal to her captain and served as the voice of reason in most situations. She also had a softer side and was willing to loosen up around the other members of the crew during downtime.

Considering the aspects of Zoe’s character, Mekia Cox would be a great fit for the role. She has experience playing tough, independent women as Officer Nyla Harper on The Rookie, as well as Tiana in Once Upon A Time. And having acted against Nathan Fillion in The Rookie, it can be assured that Cox can hold her own against seasoned stars and not be overshadowed by more colorful personalities.

Malcolm Reynolds: Oscar Isaac

Malcolm Reynolds brandishes a pistol, Poe stares from his X-wing

Mal is perhaps the hardest character to recast. Nathan Fillion brings so much charm and charisma to the role while still hinting at a darker character whose experiences in war have left him bitter with the world. With these qualities in mind, there’s only one actor who could handle the role.

Oscar Isaac has demonstrated the rugged charm that’s required of Mal in his portrayal of Poe Dameron, but more importantly, he has the chops to bring the wounded warrior out of Mal, as seen in his performance as Llewyn Davis. It might be difficult for fans to accept anyone else in the role of Malcolm Reynolds, but Oscar Isaac would win people over.