Fire Emblem: Three Hopes – Emperor Class Build (Unlock, Stats, & Strategies)

Fire Emblem: Three Hopes – Emperor Class Build (Unlock, Stats, & Strategies)

The Emperor class is one of the best axe-wielding classes that players can select in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, and it happens to be one of two classes that can only be accessed while Edelgard is a playable character. Several characters like Edelgard are essential to the story in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, giving them access to unique classes that cannot be selected by any other unit. These classes are often the more powerful version of a class in the same tree, making it preferable to use them over one of the classes that are accessible to all characters in the game. To play as the Emperor of the Adrestian Empire, players will need to make sure they’ve selected the Black Eagles faction in the game’s prologue.

The Emperor is one of the many master classes in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, and it gives Eldegard the ability to use Lancebreaker, Seasoned Tactics, and Stormer of the Land. Lancebreaker increases the damage dealt to enemies with lances by 50%. Seasoned Tactics restores the battalion’s endurance when an enemy commander is defeated. Stormer of the Land reduces damage taken from an enemy in proportion to how much lower the enemy’s Cha stat is. Additionally, Edelgard’s Emperor class also has access to the Charm and Lance Buster Lv 5 abilities, which can only be used by a couple of other classes as well.

Although the Emperor class is one of the most powerful classes that can be used in the game, players cannot unlock it in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes until they’ve reached chapter 10 at the very least. Additionally, they will also need to get their hands on a Master Seal, and master the classes that come before Emperor. Fortunately, mastering the classes that come before Emperor can be easily done through training, and the advanced class that leads to it can be unlocked and mastered from chapter seven onward.

Best Emperor Class Uses In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes

Fire Emblem: Three Hopes – Emperor Class Build (Unlock, Stats, & Strategies)

As an axe-wielding class, Edelgard’s Emperor is best suited on the frontlines of combat against any enemies that use lances. Her advantage over them will allow Edelgard to defeat them easily, giving the convoy access to any stronghold on the battlefield that is commanded by a lance-bearer. Additionally, the Emperor class makes Edelgard a great Adjutant character in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes for any low-level sword users since she can protect them from enemies with lances.

Edelgard’s Lance Bust Lv 5 will allow her to deal an increased 100% damage, making her perfect for dealing with high-level sword opponents. Charm also restores HP to surrounding allies when an enemy commander is defeated by Edelgard. Combining this ability with Seasoned Tactics, Edelgard’s Emperor class is best suited to lead the charge in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes is available for the Nintendo Switch.