Final Fantasy XIV: How to Raise Your Chocobo Companion

Final Fantasy XIV: How to Raise Your Chocobo Companion

Final Fantasy XIV has introduced new features over its lifespan, some as part of full expansions and others as continuous regular updates. This even includes plans of revamping the main storyline quest. With a likely influx of new and returning players trying out a vast selection of jobs, there will possibly be a lot of activity in the game’s open world. To ease quest difficulty and grinding, it would be a good idea to bring along a Chocobo Companion into battle.

After finishing some of the Main Scenario Quests at level 20, players will be able to obtain a Chocobo by joining one of the three Grand Companies of Eorzea. Each company will have a blue quest called “My Little Chocobo,” which players can complete to acquire a Chocobo. In FFXIV, players can summon their Chocobo using Gysahl Greens, which can be purchased from NPCs for 36 Gil. The Chocobo can be summoned for 30 minutes by default, but players can extend the duration by using two extra Gysahl Greens.

Chocobo Companions can act almost like an extra party member, with abilities to tank, heal, and deal damage. As they assist in slaying monsters, they will earn their own EXP and access to new powers. Best yet, players that own city lodging can passively train their Chocobo during downtime or even while asleep. However, it is important to note that players will need to use the Chocobo while Mob Farming, Fate Farming, or feeding at the stable. In addition, players should not ignore the Weekly Logs as it yields tremendous experience points for the companion.

Unlocking a Chocobo Companion in Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy XIV: How to Raise Your Chocobo Companion

To obtain a Chocobo Companion, you must first gain a riding Chocobo from the level 20 quest My Little Chocobo. There are three different quests, depending on your current Grand Company:

  • Maelstrom: from R’ashaht Rhiki at Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks X: 13, Y: 12
  • Twin Adder: from Vorsaile Heouloix at New Gridania X: 9.5, Y: 11
  • Immortal Flames: from Swift at Ul’dah Steps of Nald X: 8.5, Y: 9

Once you have a Chocobo, you can then turn it into a battle companion via the level 30 quest My Feisty Chocobo from Docette at South Shroud X: 17, Y: 28. During the quest, you will need to acquire Gysahl Greens, which are sold by most merchants in settlements and near town Aetherytes.

After the quest is completed, consuming a Gysahl Green while in the field will summon your Chocobo for one hour. This timer is paused while mounted, in a city, attempting instanced content, or logged out. As soon as the timer ends, your Chocobo will leave but may instantly return with another Gysahl Green. Your Chocobo will always be at the same level as you, even if you are currently level synced. If you are in a party, all eight members can each use their own personal Chocobo.

Ranking Up Your Chocobo in Final Fantasy XIV

Red Mage Rides Chocobo in Final Fantasy XIV

Even though your Chocobo will match your character level, it won’t be at full power until it gains ranks and experience. Chocobos will gain EXP when you kill monsters around your job level on the field, which can be useful if you are already doing field content like Fates or Beast Tribe quests. This form of level grinding can take some time, so you can supplement this by unlocking the Challenge Log via the level 15 quest Rising to the Challenge from I’tolwann at Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks X: 11.5, Y: 11. Once unlocked, every week (starting at Tuesday 04:00 AM EST) you can gain 5% of your Chocobo’s level in EXP by killing 20 enemies, and 10% more by defeating another 100.

Stable Training

If you or your Free Company own property like an apartment or estate, then you will likely have access to a Chocobo stable. First finish the level 30 quest Bird in Hand from Luquelot at Central Shroud X: 20, Y: 21. You can then corral your Chocobo in the stable and feed it every hour to gain some EXP. Best yet, other players can feed your Chocobo when you are busy or offline. If your Chocobo eats enough of the same feed while stabled, they can gain a bonus when eating it in the field as follows:

  • Sylkis Bud: Attack Up
  • Mimett Gourd: Healing Up
  • Pahsana Fruit: Enmity Gain Up
  • Tanatalplant: Max HP Up
  • Curiel Root: EXP Up

It is important that someone keeps the stable tidy; an unclean stable will incur an EXP penalty during feeding. Also, be sure to release your Chocobo after it is fed, as it cannot be summoned on the field if currently stabled.

Beyond Rank 10

The initial max rank of your Chocobo is 10 but can be raised 1 rank (to a maximum of 20) by feeding them a Thavnairian Onion (note that they will gain zero EXP until their rank limit is raised). You can gain guaranteed onions from the level 50 quest Landing a Stable Job from Mathye in The Pillars X: 6, Y: 9, and the level 57 quest A Hunter’s True Nature from Hevoix at The Dravanian Forelands X: 31, Y: 22.

Additional onions can be earned by gardening in your apartment or estate, mostly from crossbreeding other seeds and plants along with some luck. This also means that other gardeners will likely be selling Thavnairian Onions on the Market Boards for extremely high premiums. Check the boards on your server for the current best price, and keep in mind you can avoid market fees by buying directly at the city where the retainer is selling.

Additionally, if all prices are high on your world, you can visit other servers on your data center by using an Aetheryte in Limsa Lominsa, Gridania, or Ul’dah. You can buy (but not sell) on another world’s Market Board.

Chocobo Skills in Final Fantasy XIV

Dragoon Chocobo in Final Fantasy XIV

Every time your Chocobo advances in rank they will be awarded Skill Points (SP). From rank 1-10 you will gain SP equal to that rank, 11-16 give 10 SP, while 17-20 add an additional 1 over the previous level (11, 12, 13, 14) for a grand total of 165 SP. These points can be spent on one of three skill trees to improve your Chocobo’s performance. If you are unhappy with your chosen skills, they can be reset with a Reagan Pepper sold at all Grand Companies for 48,000 Grand Company Seals or 20 Allied Seals.


The Attacker tree will turn your Chocobo into a DPS, making them valuable for defeating touch enemies. They can use Choco Slash for 150 Potency, Choco Beak to deal damage over time (130 instant Potency and 360 Potency across 18 seconds), Choco Rush to inflict Stun, and the conical area attack Choco Blast. This tree also enables bonus Strength and Attack Speed over the other two. Learning all Attacker skills will also unlock Dragoon barding for your companion to wear.


The Healer tree will give your Chocobo means of recovering HP, which should be a top priority if you mainly play DPS jobs. Choco Regen heals at 450 Potency over 18 seconds, Choco Cure heals 300 Potency instantly, Choco Surge boosts all healing by 30%, and Choco Medica will heal in a circle by 150 Potency. The tree also gives a bonus Mind and HP. Learning all skills will unlock White Mage barding.


The Defender tree allows your Chocobo more survivability, however, its Enmity generation isn’t super high, making it hard for it to serve as a real tank. You should only place spare points in this tree after making better investments in Attacker and Healer. Choco Kick deals damage at 150 Potency and increased Enmity, Choco Kick can inflict 20% Slow for 12 seconds, Choco Guard reduces incoming damage by 15% for 15 seconds, and Choco Strike deals 150 Potency in a cone with increased Enmity. The Defender tree also gives more bonus Strength and HP. Completing the whole tree awards Paladin-style barding.

Chocobo can access many of its abilities to function as a great support party member. Some of the abilities can be classified as Tank, DPS, or Healer. It is imperative that players put some effort towards weekly log rewards as it gives Chocobo significant experience for leveling up faster than usual. It may take weeks or months to fully reach the max rank, but once your Chocobo is powered up it will make many quests, Fates, and other open-world content much more safe and easy. You may be able to win fights above your current level, or solo treasure hunts designed for full parties.

Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, Stormblood, and Shadowbringers are available now on PC and PlayStation 4.